How many people live alone and don't mind it
I'm so used to it now it's actually scary to think how I would cope if I ever lived with someone again
I totally love living by myself. I don't even have a cat.
I did it for a couple of years after my previous wife's death, and before remarrying. I think one could get used to it, in fact, the older I get, the more I can see it. In my general experience, the older we get, the more we tend to know ourselves and have clear (some would say, fixed) ideas about what we want from life and how we want to go about it. If I found myself not in a relationship again I think I'd actually walk to the clearing at the end of the path alone. Finding, getting to know, wooing and winning someone, figuring out how to navigate through and around all their hang ups, hot buttons and preconceptions, all for a rather uncertain outcome that nearly always involves more misunderstanding / drama and less sex than expected ... I think I'm getting too old for that shit.