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I stole this one from another site. Too typical not to share:

Ok, when you think you have heard everything creationist can throw at you somebody throws a curve ball.
I was in the company of a few people one of whom is a creationist (also not the brightest star in the sky). She started going on about Noah and his ark and I asked the usual question - how did the kangaroos and llamas get to the middle east. Her reply - It happened at the time when all the continents were joined together so all the animals were in one place. I pointed out that the last super continent, Pangaea, existed about 300 million years ago. No, she said, it was about 5,000 years ago, it couldn't be 300m because the Earth is only 8,000 years old. I just shook my head and wandered away. I still cannot think of anything I could have replied.
Gill Randle

Gert 7 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Actually, to me it is a proof of how the human brain tries to connect fact and fiction. It is what my brain tends to do too, basically. But when I create a explaining theory about something I try to base it on all kinds of factual information and I'm trying to verify my theories every time the subject appears again in my life. To me it's about the open or closed memory-box theory. If you accept something as the truth (like the discriminating theory that colored people are less smart). You put that in a box and close the box, throwing away the key. The preconception is set. If you have an open mind, you also tend to make judgements (like, this person is not so nice, because he looks evil). My first reaction can be that I have no interest in meeting the person, even tend to avoid that. If I, by chance, am forced to meet the person, it might be the nicest person that I ever met (or just nice). Because I did not locked the box, I change the content, but again I leave the box open. The nicest result though is that I learned for the future that I shoul be more open and not so judgemental when I meet people.

Gert Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

I think you did the right thing at least saved your sanity and your mind from blowing a gasket.


You can't rationalise that kind of ignorance. So long as she's happy with that belief and it doesn't harm others let her get on with it.


The creationist go along with the flat-earthers - nonsense personified.

Sorry, but flat-earthers is proven nonsense by hard evidence, creationists just ignore or do not acknowledge the proofs that are different from the proof that is given to the in the Bible and that they except because all the generations before them did. That belief is older than modern science. The proof that it is different is actively kept from them by the Catholic Church, which is continued after the reformation.


Really, You've never heard of young earth creationism? Someone sat down and added up the ages of all of the descendants of Adam when they sired children and calculated the age of the earth according to the same book that thought bats are birds, plants grew before the sun, and a deluge flooded the entire earth for 6 weeks.
I wish I had never heard of them.

JimG Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

The fact that Adam might be created (there are all kind of comparable stories like that) doesn't mean that the earth was created in the same way.


I like when they say this all happened over thousands of years. I like asking when the Flood happened. And how long till the next described war.

Aaaaaand then ask them to do the math for how many people can possibly have been fighting given a start of total world population of eight and that any population would have people who would not be combatants such as kids, elderly, infirm, etc.

It's always fun asking, "so...this war was fought by like, ten guys?"

Sure, and what do you think about periods of inbreeding (you don't need to call it incest, because that's a more modern typology). Adam and Eve had three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth, then after that "other sons and daughters", Genesis 5:4. So sibling-mating would cause inbreeding. The Bible is not clear, but there is a long genealogy of descendants.
If Adam was created as a genetic experiment, than the genes would have been harvested from the existing pool of human like creatures. Eve might have been created by adjusting the genes of Adam. They were meant to become the perfect slaves, but proved not to match the standards. Apparently they still proved useful because they were not destroyed as failed experiment, and were kicked out of the laboratory. There was still the basic genetic pool available for the children to find wives. Why did the creators not create another Adam and Eve, or did they successfully and took the with them, to be used in "heaven"?
All interesting theories and thoughts which is fun to play with. But actually, nobody knows.


you can't win so why fight?


That was worth reading🙂 Thanks


This my favorite "thing to say" when in debate with YEC (young Earth creationism). Especially if my interlocutor drives a car.

Discovering oil requires an understating of deep-time geology, since, for the most part, the oil formed at a particular time and is found between identifiable strata.

If this is not the case, then the best way to discover oil is to just buy cheap land, anywhere in the world, and start drilling test wells. One place should be just as good as another, no need to drill under water.

So if the YEC folks just get their gas from Exxon and don't take advantage of the possibility of much cheaper gas by drilling informed by the YEC paradigm, then they don't really believe in a young Earth. The just want gay people to not get married.


You can't argue with lunacy , I make a point never to debate with these poor deluded creatures..

Sure, never debate. Just ask questions. A debate is a kind of an interpersonal verbal war. You can win or loose, but seldom one of the participants is ever convinced.


Then why weren’t dinosaurs on the ark?

T Rex would run amok.

@Wolfbat Really? they were all peaceful by the hand of god. Lions and sheep were in the same stock (a little more sheep though because the lions still had to be fed).

@Stevil I know, even the first dinosaur bones as they not were determined yet, were placed as a test by god or the devil. So logical, I can't believe you think different 😉.

Maybe a few baby dino's or eggs? The flood took only a few weeks.

There was a paster at a chuch in the town where I formerly lived that said there were dinosaurs on the ark. yeah, just make it up as ya go along.


OMFG!! The belief system of creationists defies logic - best to just walk away.

Facts never do the job, unless the are doubting already and started thinking.


Nothing EFFECTIVE that you could reply, if your objective is to enlighten or change minds. On the other hand if your objective is to annoy you could just say something snarky. Any sort of detailed discussion though would just get bogged down in a funhouse hall of mirrors.

That's why I prefer to have these kinds of discussions online. Depending on who you listen to, for every active participant online there are 9 to 99 lurkers, and some of those are influenceable -- in a theist vs atheist discussion some of them are doubting believers trying to sort things out. But they wouldn't dare openly discuss, that would be admitting to themselves and to others, the "sin" of doubt. So I engage, not for the actual posters, so much as for the lurkers. I feel that accomplishes something.

I've been harping on this point since I joined this site. Online debate is vitally important for the sake of those on the sidelines, sitting on the fence. That's why politeness is important, as much as presenting a cogent argument is...

Well, I tend to tease them so once in a while, or when Jehova W come to my door I start replying to their actions. But I actually do respect their persistence and have not really the urge to annoy them (only as a by-product).

@Hominid I believe you are right. Giving respect makes people seeing you as serious and interested in them as a person.

Wow. Now I feel bad for wanting to vehemently trash them. But now I see “the light”, I can use them!! @Hominid


I can't be around people like that. I already take pills to keep my blood pressure down.

Don't! It's not worth you give them that pleasure. Just being polite and telling them that you believe different is good enough to send them away. If they are interested in your opinion they will stay for conversation. At least that's my general experience (there are exceptions though)


She had access to some highly encrypted alternative facts.

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