Anybody out there as disgusted by this president as me?
He's the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime. I hate that fucker. Dishonest scammer.
I can't help but think it's showbiz.
Two years ago I read an article about how Trump called a meeting of top corporate leaders several years ago, and told them that he knew how to cheaply run for president and win through manipulation of the press, using free publicity.
He said he knew just how to push buttons to get free news coverage, and keep media attention.
But the alleged secret government whistle-blowers say that Trump and Bernie were the only ones running for election who aren't being controlled by the "Cabal," (aka the Illuminati, Deep State, the Oligarchy, etc.) and that even though Trump is part of a Draco faction known for being ruthless, amoral, and misogynistic, he is one of the "Allies" who are pushing for full disclosure of secret government files hoarding highly advanced technology they hoard for their personal use, put keep secret from the public.
They say his wealth is what keeps him safe from blackmail and bribery to do the will of the New World Order, who they say controlled the Clintons and Obama. They say that Trump is going after the wealthy pedophiles first since they keep trying to have him killed, mentioning three different assassination attempts.
Dunno. I don't trust the government and they certainly do suppress cancer cures and other beneficial things that would make their companies lose money.
All day, every day. Only thing more disgusting than his actions are the deplorable jackasses that support him. They're like a damn brainwashed cult that are actually proud of their ignorance and look down on intellectuals as elitists. I personally don't feel that either party is looking out for the population but this administration is blatantly turning this country into an oligarchy.
It recently occured to me that they are like a cult, exactly like the suicide cult of this infamous dude who got all these folks to commit suicide.
Disgusted yes...Embarrassed also. It's like going to the grocery store and having that one child of yours act up. Every day I want to look at him and say what my mother use to tell my brother, "I'm going to whoop your a right now because we both know you are going to act up in the store. And when we get out of the store I'm going to whoop your a because we both know you acted up in the store. I don't care if I didn't see you act up. I know you acted up."
"disgusted" is too nice a word regarding the orange one , with the mouth that strongly resembles an anus ...
Don't even get me started....
He and his supporters are beyond anything I would have imagined in this life.
Only several billion people. Not just in the USA, but far and wide. He's treated some foreign politicians so bad, whole nations hate him. Like Germany, the way he refused a handshake... in a later talk he spat out her first name, Angela, like some bitter pit of lemmon, highly offensive. I would hate him for that alone. And then he sweepingly calls half the world 'shithole' nations... and US neighbours 'rapists' ... so, sadly, he behaves worse than even the so far worst caricature of the arrogant Gringo. Comes across like a bad comedy show, or something. Comedy/ dystopian psychothriller. If we had seen all he does a few years back in a spoof,we'd say it's hollywoodsy exaggeration.
Depends, how disgusted are you? To the point that you recall the Dubya days fondly? Or, you wish you had gone door-to-door to help get the Democratic vote out? Maybe should have contributed in some other way to the Demo cause? Or, do you just plain wish he'd have a massive a) coronary, or b) stroke, or c) .50 caliber round between the eyes? Just how disgusted are you? Because I'm kind of leaning toward c. Just a fantasy on my part.
In my phantasies it's not just him, but the whole damn lot I call trumpandall falling into a giant sinkhole in the ground, or dying from the sudden realisation how vile they are , or ...being arrested by a higher force and escorted away from our beautiful planet ...
I don't recall the W years or even the Reagan years fondly, but neither of those 2 were as vindictive, petty, thin skinned and as vulgar as trump is. He can't open his mouth without saying something offensive. I wish more people across the country had known about him with the shameful Central Park 5 episode; then maybe he wouldn't be able to get away with the nonsense he does.
Beyond disgusted. I live in DC and can't watch the news anymore, because that loser is always the subject.