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As a site of predominat y non believers, how do you all feel about the institution of marriage?

Acharyasman55 6 Feb 10

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Well yes... I think it's a great idea. I also see being single as an awesome experience. I've been both of them a few times and loved it. Even got married again... I think companionship is healthy. Each person of the couple help each other and love each other and just have fun with each other...yeah!


Well put.


It's a contract.
Great for some people, not for others.

I am happily married. But I don't believe divorce is wrong. Sometimes contracts should be ended.

For me on a daily basis, marriage is a partnership. We bring out the best in each other overall, so we both benefit.

I'm also polyamorous, I wouldn't be against multiple marriages, but I can see the complexity it would add to the laws. Not a task I'm suited for personally.


I doubt very seriously I'll do it again. Personally I think that every marriage should be absolved after 7 years. If both parties want to stay together then they can for another 7 years. If they decide they don't want to be then they go their own separate ways with no other consequences. Of course, the addition of children in the equation would require some other rules to be in place. But hey, it's a start.

Of course I might just be bitter as well. LoL But I'm old enough to know that I shouldn't say I will never do it again. You can never be too sure. ????


I can't imagine doing it again. I can see the social and emotional perks but there are so many broken people wanting others to fix them. Uh-uh. My happiness matters too. And no, I don't hate men. Quite the contrary, but I like being alone. If I had never married I would probably feel like I'm missing out on something, but I don't want to be in caregiver mode for the rest of my life and I absolutely am no good at being dependent on others. To thy own self be true!


Not a problem. Serve a purpose. Not for everyone. I am proud that all my 3 children were born under the institution of marriage to a single mother. Call me brainwashed if you want but my children self esteem has no price.


I like it. I'd love to meet someone I could think of as my soul mate and get married. Marriage is a social construct, it's not centered in religion. At least today.


Come on guys,not one,not even one that's chosen the life time partner.How sad.I tried it once for a practice.My second wife of 33 years is still my best friend and are both very happy.

Ahhhhhhh, but you see, people are specifically addressing MARRIAGE.

I think many of the respondents here are open to a "life time partner."

@BlueWave Ahhhhh.But I am addressing marriage.Shes my wife.I was married twice.My second wife is a treasure.

@Diddsdad I’m sorry, by the way it was worded, you seemed disappointed and quite sad that nobody was on board for getting married again. In my perception, you equated “does not want marriage” with them also not wanting a “life partner.” Perhaps I need to work on my comprehension skills, huh?


I probably won't do it again. I'd like to have a great relationship but marriage....No, you end up serving the idea of marriage and take a back seat to that stuff. You're better off just having someone decent in your life and telling the rest of the world to go to that special place they always talk about.


Regardless of whether it is right for one person or wrong for another, I think it is a deeply flawed tradition that propagates many outdated notions and delusions.


I think it’s outdated and rather useless at this point .


A totally outdated and now irrelevant concept.


It's an advantage for tax purposes and inheritance, and provides status for women..people are less willing to mess with you when they know a husband exists somewhere who might take offense.

It also gives one full rights to visit partners in the hospital, add them to your insurance, and keeps relatives from giving you separate bedrooms when you visit them.

But marriages are an annoyance to unravel if things go south, so I advised my kids that if they ever consider marriage..keep considering and skip it. Sleep together, live together, anything but marriage, and make sure to use birth control also.

Thanks to my advice (maybe), or because they're also androgyne, as I am, neither of them have married.


It’s a scam.


It's fine for people who belong in institutions.

JimG Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

Currently benefits me, means that I get corporate healthcare even though my husband has the job. Would prefer universal healthcare.

Lauxa Level 5 Feb 10, 2018

Preferred by some. Abhorred by others. Necessary to some. Useless to others.

For me, had a couple, and no longer feel the need to do it again. Just a steady relationship would be quite enough !


Well mine was terrible, but I'm not writing other whole idea off. I would have to find a very special man though. It takes more than one person and less than three!

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