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Religion—particularly, Christianity has lobotomized the Black psyche for centuries. It's time to wake up and live a guilt free life. Live free from doctrine.

Sapio_Ink 7 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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So true..


To quote "black Christians have a really short memory" (may be slightly off but that is roughly the phrase). That being said an overall lobotomized. Like any privilege there are situations when your sex, race, appearance, intelligence, behavior will give or lose you privilege in a situation.
Your religion is another privilege situation... Run by people with their own bia's of above.


It seems that we have a higher propensity, than any other group, to believe in superstitions. And a rigid submission to authority--whether real or perceived. We have been found to be the most religious community in the USA...based on statistics.
And look at this world map:

Seems kinda hopeless to think that black people will ever be free from this addiction.


Do you know of Prof. Anthony Pinn? He's a Black atheist and professor of religious studies, in Texas I believe, and has written several books on the subject including WRITING GOD'S OBITUARY. He talks about growing up in a very religious environment and how difficult it was to make the break. Check him out if you haven't already. Brilliant man.


I have a black buddy that I told I was an atheist years ago so we never talked about religion but he just told his nephew in front of me he's an atheist. I was very surprised because I know his whole family and they are all very religious.

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