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Any non-conformists out there?

I was just wondering if non-conformity plays any part your non-belief or is it just me. All my life I have struggled to conform at school, churches, clubs, etc., for any length of time. It just rubs me up the wrong way. I don't want to be like a sheep, but I also don't want to be hermit.
Are you a non-conformist?

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GothRik 7 Oct 27

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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I don't wish to quibble over semantics, but in The Urban Dictionary :-
a person who usually does things differently from the majority of people, not for the sake of being different and special, but because they prefer to do so'
Which is more or less what I mean.


I am me. Me does not conform wirh much either in my family or elsewhere but I am willing to be me.


what does that even mean? Am I a conformist because I defecate in a toilet, eat a table, and bathe at least once a day? Or did you mean non-conformist in the sense that I reject the notion of objective authority, because that position is so widely held that that particular point of view would actually be considered conformist. The question is too vague, define your terms better please.



Non-conformity comes naturally to me. I follow a set of clear rules in my own head, the over-riding one being, 'treat others as you would like them to treat you' and beyond that, no rules apply. Conformity is the slave chain we wear around our own necks. I prefer to travel light 🙂


As a trump voting flag waving patriotic atheist, that still stands for the pledge. Yes.

oh lard


I don't even non-conform properly - majority of the sub-culture that'd most identify with me are utter woo merchants!


One can be a non-conformist when it comes to the issue of religion. However, when the majority are non-believers (like in some other countries) is one still a non-conformist? The religious think they are being attacked and are non-conforming regarding parts of the US Constitution.
Very many claim to be very liberal (part of the definition of liberal is to be open minded) but are often as extremist (pure idealism) as the conservatives. Anyone who questions things as food banks, excessive immigration, social justice issues to name a few are not seen as non-conformists but something else. Everything is more complicated as it seems and there are two sides to everything. Evidence based reason and humility (non-anthropocentrism) must prevail. Question anything that may counter cognitive dissonance. Sometimes if it feels right it is wrong. I look to true morality and what creates the least harm and suffering and yet will further life as my guide. I am also open to changing my view given new information. Non-conforming oneself is called critical thinking.

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