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LINK If Your Partner Can’t Say These 22 Things Out Loud, They Might Not Be "The One"

Fact or fiction? Sidenote that's a lot of shit to say ???

Capricorn 6 Nov 30

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It sure can be.
And in all seriousness, those things to say are all good. And part of some good communication, I think.
And I'm no believer in "the one"


And even if they do/can say all 22 things, they may not be the one. I can say 21 of them, can't quite get the L word out though. When I can, then I'll have found the one I guess!

Actions speak louder than words?

@WayneDalton I agree


No longer an issue for me?


I've said all of those. In one convo.

That's pretty awesome

@Capricorn did I mention I'm divorced and still single. Lol

@Shelter68 oh snap, dating is difficult it seems these days

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