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Is the idea of a nice polite guy a lost art? opening the car door, bringing flowers for no real reason, remembering a birthday or other anniversary ( not ness. a couple anniversary but a first date, first kiss, etc)

I'm open to opinons from everyone but i am really looking for thoughts from younger women 18-35.

Pfr1998 5 Nov 30

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Some women find the things you list demeaning and sexist here in the 21st century. I was socialized to do such things, too, and if I were still dating today, I'd find the uncertain expectations to be a bit of a mine field. On the other hand, I don't like women who expect you to read their minds, either, so I'd discuss my way out of it. What are your expectations, I was raised to open doors for women, out of respect -- but if you feel differently, I respect that. Etc. In point of fact my wife doesn't like doors being opened for her and we negotiated that off the table early on.


Yes, yes it is. In all of the age groups.


My experience has been, many younger women, not so much, more mature women, yes. Of course my experience with younger women was a long, long, long time ago. Maybe things have changed, but l doubt it. 🙂

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