If you start talking to a potential love interest online, do you get upset if you realize they are also talking to other folks?
To be clear, people I have been chatting with were upset with me when I disclosed my habit of engaging in several simultaneous online conversations.
No. That's what we're here for; to talk. Talk about a lot of stuff not just dating. That's how it works.
No. Not unless we're exclusive, and that wouldn't happen until I got to know someone enough where we were both ready to do that. I can't assume that just because I met and connected with someone online - or even face to face - that they are automatically "the one." It takes time, patience, and most importantly, communication.
Nope - the only way I would be upset is if I was in an exclusive relationship. Chatting online is just the first step to deciding if you want to meet in real life. Even if you meet in real life, that does not mean you are automatically in an exclusive relationship. Once a couple decides they want to be exclusive....neither one should be looking elsewhere.
A potential love online? Give me a break.
Possession, possession, possession... nobody owns me, I own nobody.
No. When I'm dating, I haven't found anyone I want to be exclusive with. I don't get a date with someone and immediately stop looking for another special "one" because I don't want to scare off the date. Besides, love doesn't work that way.
If we had agreed to be exclusive and I found the other person was chatting up others, I'd just ask to change the "exclusive" label to "casual dating," and resume seeing others myself.
But I don't get jealous, which can be a problem for a female, since it's usually up to the females to keep male love interests in line. I just shrug, and walk off.
Not unless we've agreed not to talk to other people. I might get sad and disappointed about it, but I wouldn't be angry.
No. I fully expect they are talking to others. If it gets to the point where we start seeing each other in person I still expect they are seeing others. I don't get upset unless we've decided to be exclusive and then it turns out they are still seeing someone else.