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Why are three sanctions against Russia? What have they done? If it is because of them supposed to be interfering in the elections, well the US interferes in other countries elections all the time in different ways, ie giving money to the candidate who they want or a military a coup. If you are referring to them relating to Ukraine, or helping Assad then you have to look at what is the US doing in those countries, it is not to bring democracy to them or to "rescue" them either.

You'll have to look up why there are sanctions against Russia. If America has done something wrong, let Russia sanction America.

@david75090 I think a lot of countries around the world need to sanction the US.


I think a lot of us figured this out way before Mr. Cohen decided to be a human being. trump wanted to lift those sanctions the first week he was in the white house. He is finding working in our Government is not as easy as being a shit head business owner....

Rachel Maddow does a good job of connecting the dots.

@david75090 YES!!! she can pull it all together so well. I love watching her every night. She is my go to for correct information.

@Redheadedgammy I try and watch every night. She explains point by point. I like that. Sometimes the latest Trumpster-fire is mind-boggling and she helps unboggle it.

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