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Do you believe in NDE (Near Death Experiences)? Ever have one?

Redcupcoffee 7 Feb 12

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I once was married.... lol


Never had one, believe they are the product of the brain losing oxygen.

Pretty much my conclusion as well .


Near death experiences are nothing more than manifestations of the shutting down of the brain and nervous system.

To my knowledge no one has ever really found evidence of exactly what causes the NDE. It is entirely possible that it’s strictly a Neuro chemical effect in the brain. However, there are cases where patients describe things that happened in the surgical room where doctors were trying to revive the patient. Things they could only know had they been observing the people there while they work. Obviously a lot of that can probably be explained away. However as a scientist, I can never rule out even the most unlikely of possibilities, until I have absolute proof of one truth. In other words, I’m keeping an open mind.


I was pronounced clinically dead in 2002 . I dreamed about being out of body , but that doesn't mean that it necessarily happened . I do keep an open mind about it , but to avoid evangelical overtones , I don't talk about it , much 🤐

Dougy Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

Well I am glad you still with us to tell the story.


I would say I don’t believe in it if I hadn’t had something like that happen to me. I do however believe a lot of it is in the mind. When it happened to me, I saw every moment in my life as stupid as that sounds. All the good, all the things I wish I had done and all my regrets. I guess they call that ‘your life passing before your eyes’. Not sure of the wording. Don’t believe that it was a religious experience or something a god gave me to remind me life is important. I believe it was a logical thing that happens when you believe you are dying.

It happened to me too , but like you said , it's hard to tell what happened , but regardless , I'm not worshiping anything , or anybody .


No, darn it. The closest I've come is when I had a heart attack and was being worked over by the paramedics. The pain was agonizing, so that I could barely breathe. Then, all of a sudden, the pain was felt wonderful. Then I heard a paramedic say "stay with us", I thought "yeah, I'm not ready yet"....and the pain was back worse than ever. I still don't know what that was about.

marga Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

@Redcupcoffee No, darn it, lol. That would have been so cool.....

I had an incident once. The nerve nodes that controlled my heart beat were failing and I did not know it (I now have a pacemaker and am doing fine). I was picking tomatoes in my garden and passed out. I don't know how long I was out, but a had the sensation of such a deep, totally peaceful sleep that I was actually enjoying it. Then, my mind reasserted itself, and in my mind I said to myself, Hey, Walt, I know this is good, but you gotta wake up. Come on old man!" And, I came back into consciousness.


I had a near death experience back in 2005. I wouldn't call it a religious experience, but it did remind me that life is fragile and time is short.

i had a diabetic episode of ketoacidosis, where my blood sugar was high enough to turn acidic and start doing some internal damage. Around my 2nd to 3rd day in the ICU, i started regaing consciousness sporadically. I was firmly agnostic at the time (now firmly atheist). I thought i saw a friend of mine who had committed suicide a year prior walking down the hospital halls at least 3 times. No god, no angels, no light, no tunnel. When i got out, i felt maybe there was soneone looking after me, but it was no holy angel. It was the spirit of someone who suffered depression, who sold drugs to try and support his daughter, but ultimately cracked under the pressure.

No one gets out of life completely unscathed, and so i got a set of black angel wings dripping blood tattooed on my back. I don't believe in anything now, but at the time, it was a tribute to me surviving something that should have killed me, and that maybe someone was watching over me from beyond the grave.


I had a few near death experiences. One when I got married and the other was when Trump got elected. Another when Pence became VP


Of course I believe ..
I have one every day .


I believe that lack of oxygen to the brain makes people hallucinate.


I did. I was in an ambulence helicopter and I actually looked down and saw myself on the strecher. I don't know if ot was a particlarly vivid hallucination or an NDE but it felt real at the time.


I believe that people have technically "died" on the operating table and have been brought back, but anything beyond that like "floating out of their bodies" or "seeing a bright light" are symptoms of an oxygen-deprived dying brain.


I had a Near Murdered Experience. Talked them back into not being murdered. Not the same thing or what you looking for.

@Redcupcoffee In the book some things will change like my 8 month pregnant wife will lose our baby daughter and I will wait 10 years in anger to get them when they are reformed and torture them to death I be the bad guy since is not revealed until the very end when I comeback to my wife and she ask me... did you get them all? And I will say... and their wives and their children too... and their parents... and the guys they salute them last too. My best revenge I think is I am alive and well... I don't think they are and if they are... they may be in prison. Plus after that baby being born healthy... my wife gave me a son... that is now my hero and role model. I can only be grateful for being alive among all of us. So I enjoy life... this life... the only one I got so much. To me since that night... EVERYTHING IS GRAVY TO ME.


Well I've almost died a few times. I'd say those were NDE's.

We can recreate the feeling of one with drugs and electrodes, but it's been proven that out of body experiences are just in the mind and don't actually occur in any meaningful way. I think it was an IQ2 debate where Sam Harris owned his opponent on this topic.


Near death experiences are deffidently very REAL . However they are not spiritual at all . When you are dying or almost dying your body expecially your brain experiences changes . These changes can cause hallusionations . We often hear people talk of these out of body experiences or seeing a bright light and other spiritual visualations . Its real in a sense people are seeing things that are not there such as those of people that are on drugs . But the thing we see when our brain is ultured are not real.


I have not almost died, but I did almost pass out from lack of oxygen once, and I did get tunnel vision and feel all warm and fuzzy and peaceful - due to my brain being deprived of oxygen. It was a purely physical response, but it was calming, so in that sense I guess that the brain's reaction to death can create an experience that is enjoyable and feels like "heaven"?


I have almost died several times. I have not seen God or anything like that. This is just my experience, your mileage may vary.

JK666 Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

I had several weird experiences that fit the popular "near death" concept... So certainly I believe some things... Yet neither of those happened when I have actually been near death (that had happened to me on several occasions too).


Sorta. ...I have been contacted by a person during their NDE. ...I do not believe this is possible unless measured dispelling coincidental thoughts


Yes ,I had them twice during operations and they were scary.The first was an all white hallway that led just higher and higher . I never did see where it ended but it was creepy. The second wasn't any better . Many things in my lifetimee passed before my mind and it was like a rapid transite of all of these items. Neither situation was very comforting. Both times i was looking down on my body.


OOBE twice. Floating above my body looking down.
The second time was after an 8 hour surgery - however I was able to describe a nurse wearing an old fashioned nurse's hat (which you don't exactly see anymore?) and her hair - which apparently I was way too knocked out to see.
My older sister was by my side - so she was able to confirm that experience.
How did I know about the hat/hair color and hairstyle? Well I doubt it was being discussed.
And I don't believe science has an explanation for this yet. They have theories that haven't been proven.
Being out of pain was the very best part.
No light / no tunnel / no flashback through my life.


I believe in them, I think near the point of death the brain would do some weird things, I have been unconscious almost dead, in fact they thought I was, but I got nuthin, no lights, nothing to remember. Just blank.


What do you mean near death experiences? Over the edge or before?

I’ve never had such an experience, but I would imagine experience is possible until brain death. @Redcupcoffee


I don't believe in that at all. They sure see something but it's not heaven or God. I see more than that wje8I dream????


Meaning what? Lots of people get close to death and then pulled back. But if you're talking about the tunnel and the light, that's the senses going haywire in a time of extreme stress.

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