Reality is perfect, perception of reality isn't. If God is a figment of cultural imagination, then quantum reality remains unaltered by human delusions, if God does exist, reality functions the same way with no perceivable difference.
Reality is not perfect. It simply is. Perception is always flawed to some degree.
At what point in what way has reality ever been flawed? Has a coconut ever fallen on your head on a brisk winterday in canada?
Don't be facetious. @NelsonofNelson
@wordywalt I'm not. It's a serious question. Has reality ever done something truly inexplicable? In what way is reality not perfect? Your perception is not reality, which is the point of this post.
@NelsonofNelson Reality does not do anything. It is a state not an actor.. Perfection is a human construct and reality is independent of our judgments and artificial constructs. Your reasoning starts from false assumptions' ergo is flawed.
@wordywalt of course it's a human concept, all arguments are semantic in nature, I made a declarative, and all you can say is "n'uh uh' yet can not provide a single example of reality acting in a way that is irrational. In what ever way reality works, it does, all the "time". It is perfect, without flaw. You should learn how to think critically instead of critic-ally. Because childish "nope your wrong" with out any examination of your own assumptions only makes you look...
@WizardBill Ha. You got the point.
The universe would work the same with or without god/s.
Heisenberg uncertainty principal?
Is a human concept to explain our inability to fully understand the quantum level.