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QUESTION Religious bullies are on a roll. It’s time we all stood up to them - National Secular Society

Right across the world, principles of secularism are under threat like never before. The UK is not immune. We all have a duty to defend freedom and fairness from the religious fanatics that know nothing of compromise and tolerance.

Too often, those brave enough to put their head above the parapet are left isolated and exposed. Abandoned by those unprepared to stand up to oppression when it masquerades as religion. This has to change.

It isn't about "leading a state offensive on religious freedom" as the fundamentalists claim. Secularism is a fierce and principled defender of religious liberty. Secularism is rightly recognized as an important principle by moderates of all faiths and none. This is about ensuring religion isn't allowed to run amok in the public realm, demand special treatment and act as if superior to the law of the land.

zblaze 7 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Religious people are so certain that they are right and everyone else is wrong. They are narrow minded and cannot learn anything they do not like. They would rather believe in a lie than learn the truth.


People who believe in God, by way of religion, should have no authority over any atheist. The best way to improve secularism is to encourage more atheists to run for office - vote for atheists.


It is more than bullying for those of us that live in a densely populated religious state. I live in Idaho that it infested with Momorans, in fact, is the #1 state for this religion. If you don't belong to the church you struggle to get and keep a job, and your children never make the HS team sports. The dominance of the church makes everyone suspicious of one another. Move to a new place your neighbor's first question in any roundabout way they can muster is "are you a Morman" For those of us who are not we form a somewhat secret alliance under the radar in order to survive. It's the equivalent of insanity!

Wow, that is down right scary. It sounds like it could be a red state as well.

So Red the Red is scarlet!


I live across the road from some religious bullies. I agree with you the religious are out to get us non-believers.


Begin with paralyzing Trump's tongue, then impeach him out of office. Smirky Pence is a snowflake.

Then put our Constitution back in action.


Absolutely right. No attempt to push religious beliefs on us or to stifle disbelief should be tolerated for one minute!

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