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Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Well, I'm just curious. LOL.

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silvereyes 8 Feb 12

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A few times. The best one was after my step father's funeral. He was in his sixties. I talked his brothers, their wives, people from their 20's to 60's all skinny dipping in an apartment pool. Best funeral I ever attended.


Always an enjoyable undertaking.


@silvereyes I've had sex in the ocean with my husband and sunbathed topless with my sister, but I've never skinny dipped. AND shouldn't it rightfully be called nude dipped? After all, not all are skinny!


AND you, @silvereyes ? Have you ever made that free choice?


Many times.


A long...long time ago... to fat


One time I was skinny dipping in a lake and a fish tried to swim up my ass. Now that was freaky!



Yes. More times than I can remember. Of course, it has been so long ago that I'm surprised I remember doing it.


I am a naturist, so to me almost everything is more enjoyable if done naked.




not today, not since about 11 last night, it was so hot here, but am almost finished my coffee, I can hear the pool calling, it is still hot. Was awkward last night, I went out earlier and the pool was full of naked people 1/2 my age, so I waited till later.

Where do you live? Can I come visit?

I live almost on the eastern tip of Oz, can see the most easterly bit from here. It is awesome, pool and such, 10 houses between me and the estuary, swim across that and I am in the surf of the pacific.


First time, I was very uncomfortable about it. I was young and not very confident. Later, it was much more enjoyable. It's been a long long time....I would like to do it again!


Oh hell yeah. Nudity was a bi-product of my younger party days.


I have my own pool way out in the country on my land.

So is that a yes, or an invitation, or both? 😉

@BeeHappy I was trying to say "Yes, I've been skinny dipping". I didn't think it might come across as an invitation. I might need to re-read all my responses before hitting the Reply button. However, if we were a couple, I'd be sure to invite you🙂

I have a pool, out in the country..... it just sounded to me like an open invitation. But I can respect that you may want to be selective. No problem, you know how to reach me. 😉 🙂

@BeeHappy Is that a flirt? Warmer weather for such things is still a few months off🙂

I don't think this site has "flirts" like other dating sites. But I, have been known to flirt. 😉
Funny you should mention warmer weather, I'm going to be in Texas during part of May/June. Hard to say if it will be warm enough for skinny dipping. 😉


Sure. On wilderness camping or sailing trips with groups of friends, etc.

skado Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

@skado Some "friends"! (Dripping sarcasm and a knowing wink)


Ah...My misspent youth, and a friend w/bennies.


You bet - great fun too ! Co-ed, gorgeous summer night, Hudson river ! That was the best one ... there were others.

In the Hudson river? Did you glow in the dark when you got out?

@Spinliesel Not at all ...


When I was young and ...well skinny.


Under the sunrise at the beach.


Definitely enjoyed it and recommend it highly.

Zster Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Many times with many women.

I live by a nice lake and have a pontoon boat. Come and join me.


No. I feel deprived.


I spent my summer after high school skinny dipping in the ocean at Jekyll Island, GA with a group of 6-10 friends almost every night. Good times.


I used to have a big house with a swimming pool and I very frequently swam in the nude. A lovely experience!


Only in the hot tub on the back porch.


Voted yes, but is it cheating if it's only at clothing optional clubs, campsites and beaches? I've been swimming without a costume more times than I can recall, but I don't think I've ever done it anywhere I'd be likely to get into trouble if caught.

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