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Good that they have it - but it's not the best form of birth control being an "After the fact form" leading to more risk of disease and/or pregnancy.

Way better to use a barrier method or be on proper birth control. (Both actually).

This was meant as the "morning after pill" and for post-rape treatment - never as actual birth control.

It will throw the women's cycle out of whack. Not a good method of regular birth control at all.
A good method of panicked birth control? Yes!


Concerns: overdose; effects on typical college-aged men both at dosage and overdose and in conjunction with heavy alcohol consumption; overdose after pregnancy is established.

Wait why would a dude take it? Stupidity?

@RavenCT Of course, stupidity. Drunken stupidity. Hazing. Young folks being stupid, even in college. It does happen.


This needs to be everywhere!

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