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Do you think this is media manipulation or just plain marketing? Is there a difference?

This is the caption that came along with the photo.
"same paper. same story. same day. different regions. different message. still think you're not being manipulated by media? think again!"

BeeHappy 9 Feb 12

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creates cognitive dissonance


I don't see it as manipulative. The point of a head line is to invite you to read the story. I don't like the "softens tones" headline because I have no idea what he was speaking about when he softened his tone.
That said, I don't really know why'd they have different headlines, unless each region has its own editor.


Yes this rag sells to zip code election results what editors think will make the most readers happy


Is the claim in the caption really legit? I mean, I can't tell if it's really the same story or not. But maybe it is,I don't know. Of course, it's the same photo.

Looks like it.


Absolutely. The media, while not "fake" in the sense his orange majesty wishes to portray it, is not entirely honest, or to be taken at face value, either. That's why, when drawing an opinion on matters of any import, one needs multiple sources to derive a clearer sense of what actually may have been said or done.


Who owns the WSJ now? Would that have anything to do with it?


The media does that. I just was glad to see the two teasers about loafers above the headline. They are my favorite formal wear and now I can wear them at work again. WSJ said so.



Apparently one is a later edition. I checked it out on Snopes. I think the headlines could be inflammatory.

Thanks, I usually check, but this one got by me. So, it's legit only a later edition?

@BeeHappy seems so.


As honest as the day is long - oops we are in daylight saving time so does that count as an honest day and time is adjusted every leap year?


Stock photos - lazy photography department. Will have to rendition the layout person to be sure though.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 12, 2018
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