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LINK Breaking: Food Babe in critical condition after demanding 100% oxygen while scuba diving

She claimed to be an expert in all things science...

HippieChick58 9 Dec 4

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She's an idiot. But then, look at these responses...


As pointed out, the website is labeled Science, Health, Satire


Some people just are their own worse enemy.


No reputable dive master would allow that regardless of a client's insistence. But then again, I've been on some sketchy dives in Mexico...


You did read that this is not only satire, but was written back in 2016.


Nobody is as stupid as the ''human'' species.

Dogs, dogs are amazingly stupid, and they don't tend to drink or use drugs.


What an idiot. And, who would have filled the tank, as that is a lawsuit waiting to happen (same as a bartender giving a drunk another drink).

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