9 2

Anbody done

I pretty much know most of my ancestry, but I've always been curious, like if there's a 1% or 2% strain that's totally out of left field... Wondering if it's worth it.

bleurowz 8 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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No,I have not,but remain intrigued?


Not the genetic testing, but the geneology, and yes. WAY worth it, to us. We got very far with a Swiss or Scots branch, like 900s.

Zster Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

Nope, like the idea, but not putting it all out in public domain.


We have a family tree to 1602. Set of boring owd buggas


I haven't done, but I've done 23andme. Pretty interesting.


Yep. Not the DNA test (I did that with 23andMe) but research into family history.


Yes... and here are my results...


If you have any fears of your results being used by others without you permission you may wish to rethink it. Albeit a cool idea, and it seems to have gotten better with results, know that your information is not secure. They are required to give it up to law enforcement. Whether that is good or bad is debatable and I haven't chosen a side yet. Im not sure of Ancestry specific waiver, but most sites can, if they ever so choose to do so, sell your information.

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