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Nothing worse than having to sit next to one of those and deal with their crap and mellow dramatic sob ass stories. I personally get a little green around the gills when it happens. Try to avoid it at all costs if I can.

mistymoon77 9 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, I agree with the lion, Christian taste pretty bitter unless you slow cook them.


Yeah, I don't like when strangers come up to me like that have known me my whole life. What?? Go away...


I sat across from a woman at a anniversary party/celebration and the small talk was flying. She said something about a conversation she had with her Dr. Making him nervous and she added, but I'm catholic I think that really makes him nervous and I said "don't feel bad, I'm an atheist, I make everyone nervous." and it got really quiet with the nearby crowd. I never did figure what about being a catholic has to do with her Dr's nerves.

lol.. oh that's classic.. quick comeback on your part.... good job. 😉


Well .... I haven't yet, but its been another kind of rough for me this weekend seeing my brother in law wait on his wife. I had to hear how everything's a problem and she can't do anything. Honey would you do this and that and make me a plate of this and that....ugh! Honey I'll help do that but right after your finished... Geeze! Yea!!! I. Back!

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