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LINK How to get rid of telemarketers

Sounds like good advice on how to deal with telemarketers

AlasBabylon 8 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I never harass telemarketers. Most of them are just people trying to figure out how to pay the bills and put food on the table on $10.50/ hr. just like most other folks.

If you really want to harass the people who deserve to be harassed, then find the home contact information for the company ownership and executive level staff and start flooding their e-mail and phone lines with junk. They're the ones earning six figure incomes shinning a seat with their asses while the poor sod they hired for shit wages to call you has to deal with your ire.


Recently I have tried getting to a person and said “take this number off your list.” They hang up on me. But since they all route calls through fake numbers I can’t tell if it’s the same ones that keep calling.

I wish the government could put a stop to it, although I know some people need those jobs.

@MST3K but they’re mostly not Americans, which is why our government can’t do anything about it.


Before the don't call list existed I would let my 3 year old granddaughter talk to them. You couldn't understand a single thing she said most of the time but she loooooooooooooooooooooooved to talk on the phone.

I had a friend, deceased now, who used to tell me how he messed with telemarketers' heads. Some people really know how to do that.


It doesn't always work, but it's better than nothing.

By the way, I have worked for telemarketers who tell their employees NEVER to put them on a Do Not Call list. Yes, I know it's illegal, but a lot of them don't care. That's one of the many reasons why I refuse to work as a telemarketer now.

The fact that they do thought isn't surprising at all. What do they care?

For the past two weeks or so, I've been getting 7 or 8 or more calls per day, almost of them pushing health insurance. It got very tiresome. I hate that shit. Hopefully most of them are done now, now that the deadline for open enrollment has passed.

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