I found this interesting link about the confessions of a funeral director and a pastor’s disagreement about the cremation of the body. I found it to be quite hypocritical, considering the history of all the victims being burned by the church in history.
Cremation. Then scatter me as fertilizer in my gardens. Use me to keep growing food. Don't waste any more space on cemeteries. All that does is cater to the insecurities of the living.
I have willed my body to our medical school n my state and it becomes their property once they take possession. Once they have finish with their use of it, they will cremate my remains and return the ashes to my family if my family wants it, if not the ashes will be spread in a garden on their premises. I am OK with that.
Yes! Donate!
@jayneonacobb I like to consider the possibility that I could contribute more to humanity after I die than while I was alive.
I'm a soft tissue donor too! And if I'm dead I couldn't care less what happens to my body beyond that.
@BrianMurphy I agree. They could use it for forensic science. Throw it out in a field and let it decay for evidence investigation.
That's a great idea.
Stuff a ham bone up my ass and toss me to the wolves.
Cremation. And I don't want anyone hanging onto my ashes, throw them out with the trash.
Yes, I want to be returned back to the Universe and my remains live forever throughout there.
Neither, I want to be put on a pyre barge pushed out into some water and have everyone shoot flaming arrows at my ass.
@MrLizard LOL nice one, I'll have to start watching my wording
I have tried to let my children know I want the cheapest and easiest option available which I assume is cremation. I would care if they could legally dump my corpse in the desert for the vultures. I obviously won't care, whatever makes them happy.
Donate your body to science! It's free and helps the world after you die.
@jayneonacobb , I'm already a registered organ donor, although with the extremely unhealthy lifestyle I've lead I doubt my organs will be useful to anyone else. Donating to science is probably the more logical route. Years ago I had signed up to donate my corpse to the "Bodies" exposition but I have no clue if that would even happen.
My wife and I contracted with "Research For Life" in Phoenix. They obtain the body, harvest any parts with value, then cremate the remains and spread the ashes in the ocean. My wife tested the system in March 2018. It worked well, and it was free.
Ive done paid for a $8,000.00 funeral that cost $3000.00 A long time ago. That's what it's worth today. I told my wife to just cremate me if possible and save the rest for her to be cremated. Or visa versa. The easier thing to do for both of us.
Viking funeral. Rowboat, a few cords of wood, 5 gallons of kerosene, and push it out onto Lake Superior when the tide is right.
I have many friends who will shoot the flaming arrows. Probably have a competition for it.
There are exposure traditions as well as cremation/burial traditions(the antithesis of Antigone) and also a nautical path of burial at sea.
This is a good prompt to get me to discuss eventualities with my kids. My culture (not theology) is Jewish and I know about the theological stance and am not bound.
Another thought: I'm a performing storyteller and I tell many family and autobiographical stories. One is about my mother--her life and her death. She always aspired to higher education but it wasn't her lot. But she arranged for an "anatomical donation"--her body went to the medical school at the University of Chicago (and would ultimately be cremated). So when she died, (as executor) I honored her arrangement. Some people were shocked.
"How could you?"
I would always answer with true filial piety and as much solemnity as I could muster: "Well, you know, my mother always wanted to go to the U of C."
I don't really care, I'm going to recommend cremation.
I like the idea of the body farm in Tennessee. When I was a grad student there was a donation program for the skeletal collection here at the University of New Mexico. I like the idea of contributing something to science when it's all said and done.
Me, too!
How cool.
I have been a fan of the Tibetan Sky Burials. Since I have used most of my life consuming that which was made by nature, it would only be far to let nature have its turn consuming me. Of course after any useful has been harvested for those in need. Although human taxidermy should be a viable option. Who wouldn't want an Uncle Bob coat rack in the foyer? Just guess where you could hand the hat.
I would prefer a green funeral.
I want to be wrapped in silk and placed into the ground and decompose naturally.
Death is a big business. We pour all these highly toxic chemicals into our dead just for the benefit of the living and it's absolutely absurd.
Neil degrass Tyson said "I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime"
I don't understand why people can't understand this thought process.
Oh, I like this.
It's not the thought process, it's the ritual and religious ceremony that isn't appreciated. It would be nice if it could be done without having a church service accompany it. It's funny that it's against the law to bury the deceased on your own property but not for the church.
cremation of those parts that can't be used for research
Like my husband used to say..."Put my ashes in a douch bag and run me through one more time."