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Happy Valentines Day from way down in the South Pacific Islands Of New Zealand , All you lovelies Go out and Celebrate your Uniqueness and rejoice in your Love , If your Single go out and celebrate Spoil yourself and hold your head High ... Give the first person you encounter a smile say good morning , Smile at the Postman and say thank you thank the corner store Clerk the bus driver the Teacher the co worker Smile say good morning and spoil yourself you all deserve it , You never Know that smile might just be the catalyst for an amazing adventure or a New life long love , let me Know how it went for you and the surprises and the looks you received ,and what special thing you did for yourself or if your fortunate enough for yourself and your Partner .. Good luck for today we are all unique in our own Way Celebrate that fact ...

prezidentofnz 4 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Ibid! And may I add...continue the celebration tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. I'm saddened to see some people wait for certain days to come around to celebrate life.

Nena Level 6 Feb 14, 2018

Tomorrow will be my first Valentine’s Day alone in 20+ years. I’m excited!! No expectations = no disappointment!


Happy Valentine's day to you as well!


Well, somebody is in a good mood today, LOL!

Thanks. My Thai students make me handmade Valentine's Day cards, chocolates, and silk roses, since it's a foreign custom they adopted for fun.


Happy, Happy Saint Valentine.

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