What good does it to call someone a libtard, snowflake, communist, neo-liberal, Trumpster, etc. if we want to give our points of view?
How can we have a rational discussion if we result to name calling?
It's difficult to understand the other side in our discussions, but if we throw out some insult, the other side is going to shut down and not partake in a continued discussion.
Labels are a good way to wrap a whole lot of people into something that may or may not be genuine. Those people could be your neighbors, your work mates, your family. Do we toss out everyone who doesn't agree with us?
I think it is time we pull back into civil discourse even if we are repulsed on a daily basis by what we are witnessing. Because without civil discourse it will only get worse.
My 2 cents, maybe not worth that even.
We are all part of the same bird, whether we are the right wing, the left wing, a leg, a drumstick... Or something like that.
Using that, if the right half is busy insulting the left half, the bird, society as a whole, is unable to walk or fly or even think.
I agree. Name calling doesn't bear fruit. My personal experience has been with an acquaintance who calls himself a conservative, attends bible church, and believes the act of looking upon a woman with any lust in your heart is the devil's work. He continually "teased" about Liberals, asked if I had a picture of my "girlfriend" (Hillary Clinton) over my bed, told how Liberals are destroying the country, how Liberals hate this country, how Liberals are just angry about losing the 2016 election. I couldn't take it any more. I've stopped talking to "Joe".
Exactly I couldnt agree more. The term Lefty, or Hillary over, or even Democrat!
We should be able to have a decent discussion with all facts on the table without all the name calling and bullying that I see especially in politics and such discussions in some places. It's getting like Nazi Germany!
The side that shall remain nameless for this has no respect for the truth, they spend money like drunken sailors and are a clear and present danger to majority rule, receiving vast sums of money from both domestic and foreign special interests to spread propaganda over all media daily. They are unredeemable and are in reality only 25% of the population because 49% didn't vote. They do not have the mandate of the people and are in power only because of a outdated election process that benefits only the wealthy. People who care about the future of this country must unite against them and vote them out of power against their efforts at voter suppression, gerrymandering, and foreign intervention. To that end, I have no problem with using descriptive phrases in response to their efforts to intimidate people - I will toss it right back in their faces, I will not be weak. I am around supporters of the that side all day long. They will not change until their false majority is proven to be the myth it is.
@Akfishlady Within their ranks - it is my experience they see disengagement as weakness that justifies their position. They process information differently with a sort of hive mind I think, and wait for signals from their hierarchy on how to react to any given subject as if they are in some sort of trance - then they recite the words of the leader over and over again, many times even out of context. However, they are basically good people who have allowed themselves to be misinformed. If these things are true - who should be responsible to respond to people who use these derogatory terms and how should one respond if they do?
I have been labeled as all of these (except "trumpster" ) ... And many more.
While my true position is very moderately leftist and definitely liberal (in the true sense of the word - one that is pro freedom, not some crazy SJW). I defiavoid putting lables. I only attack the arguments of the opponent and only that. Once he/she gets hysterical and starts putting in insults and lables I consider this a "game over".
Those "names" are from the Ruuuusssshhhaaaahhhh Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS radio liars cult ditto heads. ....it is possible to build progress with Libertarians and true Liberals but reds&blues are committed duopolists refusing to share power or play fair in election laws
I agree and resonate with this post.
To label someone is an act that further affirms us into the delusion of the seperate.
I like the way you worded that.
In this case, labels save time. I don't want to waste my time on people who are heavily invested in Fox News talking points.
I'm convinced some of those people simply can't be fixed.
@Akfishlady Actually, it does some good for the ones who do it....it gives them a petty kind of satisfaction.
Most if not all people who descend into name calling/labeling arent interested in having a discussion. I find that they are mostly insecure and angry about themselves and their station in life. Dig a little deeper and allow them to rant. You will come to a conclusion similar to my own. You just have to wade through the mindless chatter to get to it.