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Random pics from India. Definitely the land of religion and prayer, but beauty and peace transcends it. Baha'I Lotus Temple, Qutub Minar, temple at Kunyakumari x2, Brihadisvara Temple

DJVJ311 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Man... that's so beautiful. I always ask myself how it was built because it's so awesome and heavy. Good for you my brother...


Great photos. I wish I could have been there🙂


Super cool 🙂


Bahai temple or lotus temple as it called is a place of worship of the baha'i faith. It allows people from all religion, sex or other distinctions to come there. No discrimination there.
Qutub minar was made in memory of a sufi saint Qutubuddin Bakhtiar. Started the construction by Qutubuddin Aibek, the turk slave who started Mamluk dynasty in Delhi. The monument was completed by Iltutmish, aibek's successor.
The rock memorials in Kanyakumari are dedicated to 1) Vivekananda - an ascetic and also a disciple of Ramakrishna paramhansa. 2) statue of Thruvalluvar - a great tamil poet of sangham period.
Brihadeswara temple is one of largest temple in India. It was. Built a 1000 years ago. Its a unesco world heritage site.


Nice. Of course I can pull out my Thai photos to compete, LOL!

The photo is of my daughter and I standing in front of the 99-ft reclining Buddha on Ko Yo Island, near where I live in Songkhla, Thailand.

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