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A rude awakening

The other day, a good-sized framed print that hangs over my bed came crashing down at 5:30 in the morning. It startled awake everyone in the house, including the cat who hid under the bed in another room. Fortunately, my headboard on my bed took the brunt of the force, but the print then tipped over onto my head creating a swollen booboo.

The print has been hanging on various walls of mine for 35 years and the wood of the frame split. I epoxied the eye-hole screw back into the wood so I should be good for the remainder of my life. 😀

TheAstroChuck 8 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Glad you are OK


see....and this is why I hesitate to hang anything other than a hippie like shawl above the bed. Glad you were not injured in any way. Poor cat ?

Your forgetting the swollen boo boo. js.

@dartagnan6666 Your right I did miss that (I was in a hurry I guess ?)So I should have said ....sorry to hear about the boo boo. It had the potential to be a lot worse? ?


Cross your fingers and toes.


Shit happens!

With or without our own inclination!

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