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I didn't want to hijack someone else's post so I'm doing another of my own. Is monogamy REALLY that necessary? I see so many good relationships ended because of infidelity. It seems wired into our genes. Wouldn't it be better if we accepted thays how things are and treated jealousy the way polyamorous folks do? As a malady to be gotten over rather than an Integral part of relationships? Idk it just makes me sad to see people who truly love each other part over something so transient.

OpposingOpposum 9 Feb 14

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Some people really WANT monogamy. If that's what you want, but you agree to a polyamorous relationship so you won't have to break up when they stray, you've only condemned yourself to an endless cycle of pain.

I don't want to be polyamorous with anyone. I'd rather be alone than watch the person I love run around with other women.

True. Comes down to self respect and honesty, I guess. It just seems petty to me.

@Blindbird monogamy seems petty?

@Lysistrata no jealousy does.

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