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As a former evangelical it believe I should explain their position whether it is liked or not just for the sake of understanding.
They do not believe that climate change is necessarily real or imminent, or that we could do anything about it anyway. Sometimes those such as Pence believe Jesus will come and God will destroy the world anyway very soon so it does not matter.
When it comes to the use of fossil fuels they believe and are correct that is is the cheapest short term solution that will have the greatest positive impact on our economy and thus make us a stronger nation.

Again I do not advocate their position. It is important to understand that if they were correct in their understanding that their position would be very reasonable and logical. It would not be a position of environmental terrorism or that of those whom are not concerned about the people of the United States. Look again at what I stated as their position again with that in mind.

Now we must address and debunk the mindset before we can begin to address the issues, bearing in mind they are humans(if misguided) that in their minds are doing good.


It’s ironic that I don’t believe Donald Trump believes and anything other than Donald Trump yet the religious fools support him without question.

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