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....on Sex and Gender. I see alot of people using these words interchangeably. I know words are just labels and most times I assume they are actually talking about gender when they use the word sex. Now, I like to understand things. So a while back I saught information on the differences between the two. Sex being determined by the reproductive gametes produced by an individual and acociated organs. Gender being socially constructed. The assigned expextations of the genders by society. These are aligned with the definitions in the glossary on the World health organisation website.

At this point I have to assert that I am in favor of any individaul assigning any gender label they wish to themselves. I support that. I also have to stress that I understand that there are a whole range of sexual orientations out there and I accept that every individual should be able to live as they wish. (Slightly off topic but I wanted to make that clear).

With the knowlege that sex and gender are different things. When I hear people talking about sex ( as apossed to gender) being fluid I wish they wouldn't. The reason is because I think it hurts the very worth while point they are trying to make. Am I being too picky? Or is the apparent merging of the concepts of sex and gender something to be accepted ?

Michaelx7 4 Feb 14

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After hearing that there is a proposal to get rid of the word gender on Tasmanian (in Australia) birth certificates I sought pictures or example copies of the existing birth certificate. I thought it was worth pointing out that, so far, I haven't found one that requests "gender". All of the examples I've seen so far have requested "sex". I was wondering whether there are birth certificates that request gender that I haven't seen yet. (If anyone can post a link or picture that would be appreciated). If it is actually the word sex they are proposing to remove then I I think the move is alittle misguided. While I agree with what they are trying to achieve I'm not convinced this is going to help. (For reasons posted at the begining of this thread)


I thought sex is how the outside world identifies you and gender is how you identify yourself. Or vice versa? No matter. If I meet you and find myself confused, I'll ask you.


This Pink song epitomizes the mixed love life of my ex and me. We did gender role switching, fantasy play, costumes, I often played dominatrix, we even discussed threesomes, but stuck with pretend on that one.

We were advanced ballroom and jitterbug dancers also, so this video especially tickles me, now that he's recently come out as nonbinary female, LOL!

The photo below is of my ex and I dancing on the beach, with me wearing a ballroom dance gown I designed and made myself

P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (Official Video)


Thank you! It is SO important to understand that sex and gender don't mean the same thing! We could also talk about the arbitrariness and destructiveness of gender roles and how they should be blown up but that's another subject. 🙂


There are 47 current gender labels. I can't rationally accept any of them. You are born male or female. Your chosen sexual partners is not for me to question. I am a bit conservative. I wonder if I am sexist treating you as your sex first, and as a person second. Truly. I do not know that answer. But I thank you for bringing up an interesting topic.

Only a cisgendered person could make such a statement. It's like claiming that homosexuality doesn't exist because because you are heterosexual. Or saying other races don't exist, because you aren't any of those races.

@birdingnut I don't know what "cisgendered" is. I made no claims that homosexuality does not exist. People have sex with themselves, other people, groups of people, animals. And I am a mutt. I have no race.

@xamountofstars chivalrous upbringing, I'm afraid.

@xamountofstars The dark side of chivalry is also that men are physically stronger, more aggressive...and frankly...more violent than women. Unless women are trained for self-defense, preemptive attacks, or armed? The outcome in worst case scenarios is clear. Positive side: I treat everyone with the respect that I am capable.


I think a lot of people have trouble separating the ideas of sex and gender because they have historically been used interchangeably, especially in public usage. I agree that saying "sex" is fluid and confusing it for gender can undermine the point they are trying to make. However, if they are trying to say that there are possibly more than two sexes due to chromosomes (like XXY XYY), or that people can be intersex, or that secondary sex characteristics express themselves in a variety of ways then I think it is more an issue that they don't have a vocabulary or understanding to express those ideas correctly.
Previously, the ideas of sex and gender were merged in both academia and lay-person understanding. We should press that these ideas are different, however, we should also keep in mind that more often than not people's sex and gender do align with social norms.


For me, that's just one of many grammatical errors that abound today. For a while, I tried tactfully to explain the difference, but nobody cared. After a while, I gave up. I mean, everyone uses the two words interchangeably...even government forms say Sex instead of Gender, probably because it takes up less room.

marga Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

I have seen several posts, not on here but other places, pointing out the same issue with words. While we strive to not offend correct usuage is important.


Yes, gender issue awareness is growing in the US. The Millennials are ahead of the Baby Boomers in acceptance of gender diversity.

20% of millennials identify as LGBTQ, according to new GLAAD study []

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