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QUESTION Another Report Of A Mass School Shooting-This Time In Florida

I can't understand how "engage in mass-shooting" has become part of the response-set. But it HAS, for adults and sadly, for children/teenagers also. I grieve for the victims and the shooter alike. Everyone.....

BookDeath 8 Feb 14

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Any nra members here?

I’m a life member of the NRA, and also my son and 2 grandsons are life members. My son is also a gun dealer.

@Trajan61 Oh, a gun pusher. Nice.


Yup. Not that it will make the congressmen give back their NRA bribe money..


I already read a FB entry from a conservative gun owner - saying : " now we'll hear the BS from liberals wanting to take guns away from legal owners " ....
That's all some folks are concerned with - "oooh - they're gonna take our guns".

No - totally missing the point. I heard yet another damn assault rifle was used this time ...
Wait for the totally useless truckloads of "thoughts and prayers" .

The point is that this massacres....or the crimes committed on the streets are done with illegal guns....IAW, a person whose gun was legally obtained / registered most likely won't go around shooting stricter laws will make no difference.

I write this clarification for those sarcastic wannabes who say "" Legal / illegal guns don't kill people...people do."""

@DUCHESSA illegal guns don't kill people. People Kill People with Legal and Illegal Guns Alike.


I've only been watching for a short time. I'm about to cry, so I might turn it off. I'm with @marmot84 -- this is sickening. It's wrong. These students and teachers will be scarred for life. I cannot even imagine the terror and pain of the parents. Absolutely heartbreaking and appalling that this is allowed to continue in this country -- every single fucking week! When is our country going to do something about this?


Stepping back from it - I find it absurd. How can this be happening in the 21st century? What are we even thinking?

Why does this only happen very rarely in other countries but has become common place in ours? I'm sick at heart thinking about how the parents of the victims feel tonight. I have zero sympathy for the shooter. Maybe some for his family.

We have much more strict gun laws here in Australia.

@Babyseal 95% of the murders are committed with illegal guns. Strict/er laws won't make any difference.

@DUCHESSA. Restrictions on guns will

@Babyseal To restrict who owns a gun....based on previous records / mental health....yes, I agree....but restrictions won't stop that person or any other from buying a gun on the streets. The solution has to be a different one.
I have seen faces slashed by sharpened glass and box-cutters. Sure, these homemade weapons are less dangerous than rifles and revolvers...but I wouldn't tell that to those bearing the scars for life.

@DUCHESSA That's not true. Why then do OTHER COUNTRIES have significantly lower rates of such events not to mention gun deaths?

@marmot84 And, then, you may not know the truth about other countries. Mexico, for instance, last year had 37,000 deaths.....Last Monday, five people were killed in BAires and another three on the en of the year we mayu have several thousands deaths.
The solution to this problem is not to place restrictions on guns but to educate people.

@DUCHESSA You picked Mexico. Curious because if you had picked Australia, Canada or Great Britain the statistics would be very very different. You pulled your argument straight from the NRA's propaganda sheet.


Do you ever worry that you do the gun lobbies bidding without thinking it through? I find such actions repulsively revolting in our current crises.

@marmot84 One of the things that makes me to stop debating is that the other person believes he / she can read my mind. No, I didn't get my info. from the NRA but from few Mexican friends who live this horror every day...and from what I see -daily- in the news from Argentina. I don't read / hear Canada, Australia or GB news.
The fact we may disagree doesn't give you the right to assume from where I get my info.

@Babyseal And do you think those stricter laws will stop a dude from buying a rifle on the streets and shooting people?

@DUCHESSA regardless, you still haven't answered my question. The data is easily available to you at the link I provided. I'll try and stop pretending to read your mind. Can you answer my question?

@marmot84 I guess a person must thinks as you do. No here.

@DUCHESSA I have no idea what you said - the best interpretation I can find is: "I guess a person must think as you do." Apparently you are saying that I am correct which I would argue is in fact true. Most people in this country think like I do actually. Check the statistics.


I had to turn the coverage off. It started to bother me that both Fox and MSNBC were actively looking to interview the kids. Something about that just doesn't sit right.

Neither sits rights to blame the guns for this -or any other- massacre.

I got into the same argument with a gun-nut that continues to use the analogy of "cars kill people, do you want to take them off the road"? How can you talk to someone that thinks like this?

@BookDeath From your comment is obvious that you are not a mind reader. I won't continue debating with you.

@Atheistman And that is why you are Not allowed to carry a Machete in a plane either so What is your point? If they have guns in africa they will drop the machete and use guns for being more effective. nra argument ain't going to work... we are talking america where nra rules... if you live in afrika by all means advocate for machete melting in afrika. But here we are in america were children are being killed by other children with guns.

@Darthpug OK, let assume stricter laws are implemented in a given country. How do you explain people being killed regardless of said stricter laws?
IMHO if a person wants to kill another...or a group....he/she will find the way.

The analogy about the cars is stupid.

@DUCHESSA I'm not so naïve that all gun violence will go away. Where do we draw a line at what is someone's constitutional right to a firearm? Bazooka's? Tanks? Hell, why don't we allow them to fly A-10's over their property. We, as a society allowed this POTUS to make it easier for the mentally ill to get their hands on guns. We also ignore the necessity of items such as a bump stock. What place in society is this needed? Maybe I'm being optimistic in hoping that if that sick-f#$k in Vegas didn't have a bump stock that a few more men and women would have went home that night. Let's start somewhere can we?

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