From the perspective of a historian, without hesitation I would say Christianities are the absolute worse. Part of this is simply longevity though many others have been practiced much longer. The exception with Christianity is violence to include genocide. The old testament brags about genocide but we know most of it is mythology. Christians have had no problems with murdering anyone that opposes their thinking and is responsible for more death than any other religion. Currently, Christians in the last 60 years have mellowed out a little. Now Islam is credited with mass murder. I don't know that Islam is indeed more violent than Christianity today or if Islam simply manages to get more headlines.
If we are concerned with human rights issues, then Hinduism takes the prize without any question. Hinduism is hostile to humans due to the cast system and is horrible to women. It is due to its prolific nature being the second most observed religion in the world and the fact that it is one of our oldest practiced religions that it takes the prize for lacking humanism.
A toss up between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism...the three major ideoloigies of mass delusion have trampled all over those who do not believe as they do and are continuing to destroy this planet. They don't get that we are all we have and we need to make THIS WORLD a better place and participate in making THIS LIFE a better life rather than focusing on some afterlife as a prize for being brainwashed...
The three desert religions have been the worst throughout history, Islam is the worst at the time because of its violations of human rights, with Evangelical Christianity close behind. These comments are from a CONservative, but even a broken is clock right twice a day.
Christianity has been around 650 years longer and is still committing human rights violations. Islam does get more press in the western world, but I am in no way confident that Christianity is any better than Islam in the world today. We in the western world simply get "Christian friendly" news. Let us not forget that Nazi Germany was made up of Christians.
Let me say that I am tired of liberals (and I am a liberal) condemning fundamentalists, but giving a free pass to Muslims. That being said, I very much agree with you about Christianity. I hate all religion.