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Why shouldn't the president be impeached if the majority of the population dislikes the manner in which he is running the government. Why allow him to damage the country when so many oppose him?

Marine 8 Dec 15

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I don't think liking or not liking a president should be grounds for impeachment, but it certainly should be on the table for those presidents who abuse their power for their own gain whilst violating the rights of the people who did NOT vote for her/him. Trump and the entire republican party comes to mind.

This is what I meant when I said the majority didn't loike the pres. I should have made the question a bit clearer.


I am of the opinion that we as a majority of the country should not be subject to a whole term if the population dislikes the manner in which the president is governing. It just seems stupid that we should allow the president to continue a term when his policies are not liked. Something like a no confidence vote should be provide in the Constitution.

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