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Am I doomed relationship wise being a minority in a minority?

Coming from a black atheist, who numerous girls have either left me before a relationship could take place or during a relationship when I told them. It seems many black folk are ultra religious and any mention of nothing believing is just crazy.

chas1 4 Dec 16

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Interesting question. As someone sharing your description, my experience has been this; the black women (3 I dated) 2 initially responded very negatively then after their shock wore off we saw each other. The 3rd did not care. It is all context I believe. If you are older and children are not on the table, then that eases things somewhat, IMO. Now, the women I have seen, not black, was not a issue at all. So you are correct, there is a extra level of programming/ poisoning that you will have to deal with, unfortunately.

Such is life. Their loss if they choose to discriminate, but that is something Christians often complain about and practice regularly.


Don't give up keep trying to find an Atheist woman or a lover who keeps faith inside herself but do beware of believers who may want your smart sperm in their stupid xian eggs


I have found at least where I live, it is no different. One guy told me unless you tell me what you believe is better, then that is just crazy. My reply was that that is a personal exploration people usually do for themselves when they are young and I feel believing that any one religion has the real god figured out is just delusional or narcicistc.

I choose no religion or dogma except that having one precludes one to be open to other.options on god or if there is one. so maybe that belief is a dogma.


I love your question!


I'm a feminist, atheist, woman in the bible belt. I get it. It sucks. I've pretty much given up on dating until I can move.


It must be some bullshit. Oh wait I know how you feel


I feel the same way Bro!


I know it's hard, but I follow a young woman on Twitter who is going through some of the same issues. I find her posts and comments strengthening, even though we don't share the same cultural history. Check out Nikki (@SkepticNikki): []


Man there’s a lot of weird fucking advice in this thread.

Yeah it’s gonna be a bitch @chas1


...I agree with your observations; across races this
is a fact;my self and folks I know try to participate
in social/cultural activities that appeal to us that are
neutral of religious ties.Open minded people have
personality traits just as the religious do!
After I tested/studied my own traits-i could
gravitate to ladies that are compatible.Thats a solid base for a relationship of any sort.U tube;library- there are
resources -making the search manageable (wide world)
Knowing who your looking for
matters as much as who u let close,also.
Thanks for the post,the best in reaching your goals...

@sweetcharlotte it reduces the numbers;
if u go to the supermarket,10 might be comparable
, the fairgrounds 100 might be compatible_
For a time I thought Plenty of Fish had all nurses on its site


From the very beginning,before emotions get involved,be right up front with her,she may adjust her thinking,marriages have taken place between Agnostics and the partner who attending Church service many time a week. But each case is different.

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