As many of you know christianity is on the fall and will be outpaced by islam soon i would like to know why.
It seems that the modern Christian problem is the god of the gaps. The old and new testaments are shown to fall short of modern morality based on scientific research and facts which create a base of knowledge that counters it's dogma. The Catholic church and other organisations are having problems with their relavancy with the modern progression of philosophy. I am not supposed to religion but I believe that it should be taxed and audited as it has lost it's mora high ground!
why shouldn't it be on the fall? religion in general should.
as for islam's being on the rise, it is an insignificant gain. look at the pie chart (among other things) on this page: [] it will have to rise more dramatically than seems likely given the current trend for its rise to be the least bit significant.
People are free from fear of the church and free to think about the church.
These invariable lead to the realisation that they are free to leave the church because they are free from the false need to remain.
I believe it is because people are starting to see the church and religion for what it truly is, a con, and it is filled with liars and hypocrites.