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Is Uber a good company?

TFL (London, UK) has refused to renew Uber's operating licence citing lots of concerns with the way the company operates (in essence: cheating, getting caught, apologizing).

What are we to do? Many young women are complaining they now fear for their safety but is this really the case? Uber has not been operating all that long and is this another case of our inability to judge risk?

  • 6 votes
  • 4 votes
#fear #UK
Draco 6 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Taxi driving in London is incredibly impressive when you think about it. To get a license to drive a cab, you need to know EVERY SINGLE STREET in the giant megalopolis of London.

No joke.

So for Uber to come in, and just hire anyone? Nah. Uber is filled with scabs who aren't good enough to drive a taxi.


I know some drivers that make decent money, and many of its customers seem to like it as an option. I haven't heard of many customer complaints about the company; however, I have heard of violent encounters between various drivers and passengers. None of this may be applicable around your whereabouts, but I suppose the answer would depend on what is happening near you. Some media is known for sensationalizing things, organizations falsify things, and people in general can be guilty of exaggeration. Learn about those who share information about the company; politicians, lobbyist, investors, journalists, etc, and analyze whether bias or objectivity is at play.


It just so benifiacl and yes to use so I guess I have become dependent on it.


I only voted no because I don't know wasn't an option and you might ask if I didn't have an opinion why vote at all. The reason I voted is that if someone does know some unbiased information on this I would like to be better informed. When I don't know something, I tend to want to research it, but everything I read seems to have a bias behind it. This type of news is incredibly hard to discern because there are always those who have a desire to influence opinion and will disregard anything that is in opposition to their claims

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