I'm ornery. I admit it. I raise meat goats in addition to the job building airplane parts for a living. Every year about a month before prices start going up at the sale barn for meat goat this "goat flipper" gets on FaceBook advertising to buy all classes of goat kids for a price per pound that is low anyway. All he has to do is sit on those goats and feed them out for a month to six weeks and then sell them for prime $ per pound. He benefits from the higher market as well as the weight gains on the meat kids. He counts on people not knowing whats what in prices and even lies when I call him out on it. I feel the producer, the person that does all the hard work and takes all the risk should get all the profit. I am sure Jeremiah Andrews hates seeing me post the truth! I track the markets and I have been informed by other goat producers they rely on my posts of market trends so they know when to sell their own animals.
So... does his place remain mostly empty the rest of the year? Should you be thinking of matching his price and buying some yourself? Help drive up the price for everyone?
I have no intention of buying kids to resell. I have too many irons in the fire now and I don't want kids here that I don't know what diseases they carry. I just want to educate the newbies in the business so they don't go belly up with an uninformed decision.
What does goat meat taste like?
The people willingly traded (riskier) higher profits for a sure price now and saving the cost of six week's worth of feed.
Kind of a mild version of selling flight insurance at the airport,
If you know what you are doing you will wait the six weeks. The highest risk is over as far as raising the kids, the next highest risk is knowing when to sell..... and I help them with that information
@misstuffy It's the old lure of the "bird in the hand.."
@birdingnut and a lack of knowledge with someone like him telling them what he knows will get them to let loose their animals to benefit himself at their expense
@misstuffy That's how the "stock market" works. I used to trade options.
Sometimes I won more profit, sometimes I lost, but fear could make me sell early.
Agree if you do the work you should get the credit. Is their some sort of agricultural board you can lodge a complaint with? A state senator or representative?
Its not like that, it isnt about credit, its about money. Making a living.