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Would you rather never use social media sites / apps again or never watch another movie or TV show?

Crimson67 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I could live without social media, not movies.
I'd really miss you guys, but I'll live. I'll be watching TCM.


I don't even have to think about this one. Good bye social media!


I made it about 45 years without social media. I'm betting I could live without it.

But I'll miss you!


that is a hard question. I certainly wouldnt miss TV at all. I like movies but social media is a godsend (HA) when you live in rural areas


For me it would definitely be goodbye social media, I am enjoying both 'media' but way prefer the clever directors' takes on life and imagination injected into movies..


There are so many good TV programs (BBC, PBS, CBC) that it wouldn't be much of a choice.


I've been knowing movies and tv shows a lot longer. Goodbye social media!


Bye social media

Marz Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

Got rid of cable over 4 years ago and I am here soo...


I haven't watched tv as such for 30 years, I enjoy an occasionally movie or TV show digitally, I can do without social media, but I would miss some good discussions.


No reason not to love it. There are periods that I switch off. I can easy do without, but it's more pleasure within. The world became smaller and so much pleasure and so easy to keep in contact with the motherland.

Gert Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

As it is I don't generally watch movies and rarely watch TV (except for certain sporting events.) I could easily do without television.


Social media sites... love my tv!


tv is crap . talking with you is stimulating and occasionally informative


That's a rough one. I think I'd rather not use any social media sites. I love keeping in contact with people, but getting immersed in good movies is pretty enjoyable for me.


Goodbye forever, social media.


I could easily live without social media.


Never use social media again, no question.


Television these day is mostly so called reality tv - repeats of mediocre shows -Biased news programs - no - i'll leave the tv


Never watch another movie or tv show. I haven't even turned my tv on since the Superbowl, and I only did it then because I had company.


nothing is secure when It is put it on the Internet. I will share my information in person with my friends I don't need a computer or cell phone to do this. I always go visit my friends in person. I believe we need social contact with friends the electronic social media I don't believe it's good for human relationships, but here I am using this website. so I guess I am being inconsistent?

I prefer movies and TV and even the radio.

dc65 Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

Social Media at the expense of the rest has already been decided . But it would be nice to do so from time to time . . .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

I use both because I can, but it wouldn't bother me particularly if I never did either again, I'd find other things to do and get involved in 🙂


obviously give up social media. then when i watch TV or a movie I'm not subjet to or influenced by what other people think!


Former, just preference.

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