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How many would like to transform their body?

Anyone up for holiday bootcamp?
Here intermittent fasting, yoga, chores, gym, study and some reward activities during the week. Elaborations welcome.

  • 18 votes
  • 18 votes
  • 8 votes
WarmFluffy 7 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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I like my body. I would enjoy a tune up of the internals though. Can you arrange for me to have 18 year old libido? ?

It's worth a try.

Well, they do have pills for that now.....

@Meili ahh yes. $70 for 4 Cialis helpers. Recreational sex is very expensive. ?

@Science-guy No pain, no gain, so they say.


I am already doing fitness training. I would happily help others who want to become healthier. Health is the key issue, everything else follows.

This morning, interval training shortly, pull ups, abdominals.


If I could remove about 25 years off my back then I would be interested but ..... Growing old gracefully is a craft that takes time to perfection


I take advice from my daughter who took second place on the 13/10/2018 in the UKBFF.


13th Jan we go carb free for me, low carb for the rest. We always do dry Jan (makes the most depressing month even worst!) I am going to start yoga but we wait until the 13th so as to not be a stereotype.


This week, you design your own bootcamp.


Strong participation today. Just edited. Looks like a tie so far with about 25% undecided, very agnostic.

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