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100 stairs challenge or elevator?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 16

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Im disabled so elevator


Ugh ,Stairs are hard but id try it

It’s a good workout.

Ya 100 stairs would be


I intentionally avoid elevators, but the buildings I usually visit are low.

You can laugh because it’s ridiculous, but I used to be deathly afraid of them when I was three years old.

Afraid of stairs or elevators? @EmeraldJewel

@LEPeff elevators.

@EmeraldJewel I don't laugh because when I was young I never use elevators either but now I will use them I got over that fear. I didn't start using elevators until I was 23 years old


My only issue with stairs is I sometimes think about the actual musculoskeletal mechanics of descending them, which causes my conscious mind to try to take control rather than leaving my legs and feet to get on with it - and then I trip up.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

Stairs are very hard for me. It’s actually easier to go up, than down. I think it’s because of the way you have to lean back to go down, and you lean forward to go up. I used to always take the stairs, before my nerve damage.

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