As a Brit we often get the impression that Americans are very much in favour of having a right to own a gun (or guns). Is this true amongst the athiest/agnostic community? I don't understand a good reason to legalise guns. What do you think?
My husband and his brothers were hunters , I didn't like the violence and was very concerned when we had small children . I asked him to store his hunting rifles at his parents house , which he did . I was 27 when we separated , and did not feel I needed a gun . Now I'm a senior citizen . I live alone , I'm disabled , I live in a nice but not ritzy community , but there are frequent thefts , break-ins , and assaults . At 72 , I took a gun course , qualified and applied for my license to carry , bought a gun and amo. , and put it away . Haven't gotten it out since .
It is so obvious: make gun a household commodity and you will not only get 18 school shootings in the course of just 44 days, but you will have people getting killed by toddlers, toddlers getting shot by mistake, other family members getting killed because somebody though they were breaking into the house, and in general a rate of deaths caused by guns orders of magnitude larger than in most other western democratic countries. The numbers are breathtaking and embarrassing beyond belief.
The attitude towards free access to gun in the US to me looks even more foolish than religious beliefs and those are already pretty foolish.
I have started a group here called Gun Control Now. We are going after assault weapons big clips and bump stocks. Everybody who agrees is welcome to join. We need all the help we can get.
You don't even understand the terminology. A clip is not a magazine. "Assault weapons" is made up liberal propaganda. I know this because I am an expert on guns and gun law. Why would you create a group and not open it to debate?
Then, why didn't you start a group that specifically advocates for a ban on assault rifles?
@jayneonacobb so you are saying I cannot find Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, etc etc doing interviews saying "assault weapon"? The right classifies it the same way everyone else does.
@jayneonacobb You have a better idea I'm all ears. AR- 15s have no civilian use. Neither do high volume magazines. I'm not ain't gun, and I don't want to take anything away from anybody, and I don't want to make any lists of what people have. I'm after military style weapons, high volume magazines, better background checks, more and better mandatory training to own a firearm, and some type of child proofing on handguns to keep little kids from finding a handgun and blowing away their little sister.
@Darthpug Look I'm just doing what I think needs to be done. I'm tired of seeing innocent people being blown away by some lunatic with rapid fire guns. Call it what you want to. I'm tired of reading stories like the one a few weeks ago where a small child found a gun in grandma's pocketbook and killed his 3 year old sister. I don't think people take gun ownership seriously and it's getting people killed.
@MikeFlora *high capacity magazines. The civilian uses are many and varied. Your desire to cripple peoples gun rights is based on liberal propaganda. Training is easy and free. A well trained operator doesn't care about full auto and high cap mags are only a convenience, not a requirement to eliminate threats. Assault rifles don't exist. Thats a piece of liberal propaganda. Learn about guns before you try to debate about them. Youre basically trying to debate a doctor on vaccinations when you debate me about guns. You might think your right, but you're not.
@jayneonacobb because HE...NOT YOU, wanted to start a group against guns! LOL. Son start your own group THAT SUPPORTS GUN OWNERSHIP!
@Freedompath it's intellectually dishonest and will only breed ignorance and contempt if not open to debate.
@jayneonacobb HELLO...YOU DON'T run the world! Are YOU aware that all these things that you are saying about other what you think about your SELF...that is how it works! You are putting it out ON us, but this is WHO you are!!!
@Freedompath quit your whining. You just refuse to accept the fact that your world view is wrong, so you're trying to hide away in a safe space. Grow up and get over your selves. If you can't be open to others opinions you shouldn't espouse your own. You have no evidence to support that opinion. You don't rule the world either, you also don't understand academia and debate.
@jayneonacobb Sounds like you start a group that advocates for guns.
@RavenCT I don't want to further exastorbate this rift in our society. I do what I do because I believe education is paramount to understanding.
This is my post on FB!
For all of you gun lovers...who in any big city with a capable police force needs an assault weapons? Please go fuck yourself!
And when they finish... they can do seconds for me too. Guns always been the weapon of choice of the "coward". And in america they are organized into an association. Speaking of Brainwash.
Just playing devil's advocate, what if you don't have time to call the cops?
It's 100% correct that guns are tools for the weak, it levels the playing field for a 125 pound female against a 250 pound male.
Does everyone need to own an AK or AR? I don't think so, but banning every gun in private ownership is too extreme as well.
The cops always come AFTER you are dead. Take responsibility for yourself or suffer the consequences.
If there is nothing wrong with guns... why you can't bring them on a white house tour? a senate tour? an airplane? a school? why?
I agree, my right to self defense should supersede all others.
@Atheistman He didn't have a beef with the police. He was not kicked out of a police academy. There been mass shooting attacks on military bases with armed guards... so... question is what is wrong with guns. STAY ON THE LANE.
@jayneonacobb NOW, you are just getting redictulous...if you are this fearful of your safety and freedom...I think it is time to see a shrink! You keep presenting in some kind of known and unknown danger!
If I hadn't been raised in the US I bet I wouldn't think guns were ok. But hey I enjoyed archery too?
That being said we have ourselves a HUGE problem right now.
There is no gun control. Particularly for those with some heavy mental health issues who should never have access.
So though I think people should be able to own guns for hunting or for target shooting - and even for self protection.... we need some serious changes to happen.
And these rapid fire guns and bump stocks? No - just no.
I have a feeling that the "copy cat" syndrome may be a major factor of these situations. How else does a person gain national, and even world-wide, attention so quickly than by carrying off the challenge of doing away with a bunch of helpless and unarmed kids in gun-free schools? It seems that many of these types try to carry out the goal of doing away of the most by the biggest (semi-automatics with the biggest magazines). One of the knee-jerk reactions just happened, the media source dropping everything - then exclusively to everything else that may be happening, and examining every factor of "the killer" for days and weeks on end Most culprits, of course, take themselves out of the picture - and never stick around to enjoy the "after the fact" reward of notoriety. This one, for whatever reason, decided to remain alive - to now enjoy the results of his labor. Maybe what the media ought to do is to minimize its coverage and not make these happenings so "front page!" This feeding of possible super egos somehow needs to be stopped!
I didn’t vote. I’m a gun owner and am in favor of responsible gun ownership. But we need to stop these senseless shootings. No we MUST Stop these shootings. The only use for an AR-15 is to kill people, ban them and other similar weapons. In 2004, bush allowed the ban to expire, that ban needs to be reinduced. Someone will say “he was mentally ill” and he may well have been. The real issue is Americans suffer from loneliness and anger. We need to call out ther blood money politicians - taking 100 of thousands and millions from the NRA.
This was a known nut job and he could have been prevented from doing the deed. Most of these types are well known to authorities. Back in the day, they would have been put away long before they committed heinous crimes.
The American mental health system is broken. We emptied the institutions, but then failed to provide adequate help. Further, parents try to get help they typically can’t. In this country it is easier to get a gun, than get mental health help. And not cool calling someone a nut job, he has a mental health issue.
I'm okay with guns for hunting but people should not have access to automatic rifles. Those are used for killing a lot of people at once. My nephew was murdered by a gun so it hits close to home.
There's too much rationalization. This is simple. Get rid of guns! Countries that have done this have no mass shootings. Not to support this is to support the murder of children can other innocent people. Get real!!!!
I concur! Our nation's heart breaks every month it seems because of some maniac with a gun.
Pretty much exactly what I think as well. I am yet to hear a good reason to legalise guns (or keep them legal)
I'm not an American, but, I don't believe gun ownership should be a right but, rather it should be a privilege.
It is NOT a "priviledge" to live. It is a right and we will do whatever is necessary to maintain that right. You have no weapon, you are at a massive disadvantage since everybody else in your town has one. Controlling guns is way the hell off the reservation at this point. There are far, far too many of them. Answer to the problem? Buy all the ammo you can afford and be prepared in the event the crap hits the fan. Nobody else is gonna take care of you and yours, except you!!!
@Jim222bo Why not try imagining that it is ilegal to own guns in the US. now imagine that it is extremely difficult to get your hands on a gun. I am sure you would except that there would be far less gun crime, not to mention the mass shooting sprees. Also, if there is a lot of these things happening, I could be wrong, but surely, more guns is not the answer.
Too late!!! You can imagine until the bovines come home and it will not negate the fact that there are more guns than people in America. We are armed and dangerous.
their is no yes or no answer to this question. the question should be why do you want a gun or what do you think you need one for
The answer is that if you don't live here, you don't get a say.
@jayneonacobb so, you count New Mexico as Mexico? Not "here"? Tell that to trump to adjust where to put the wall. It was Mexico, once ...just like Texas.
@ZebZaman I'm sorry, I want saying that about you, just a general statement of facts although your assumption is very telling.
Not a brilliant "question".
@jayneonacobb Why would someone outside of the US not be allowed an opinion. I would say that everything is up for debate, and I don't see any reason not to ask this question. It seems like a fair and open question.
@RobH86 you can have your opinion, it's just moot if you have no legal recourse in enforcing or voicing it effectively. Which means being a voting, legal us citizen.
@jayneonacobb I am not looking to make any legal changes in your country, and I am not yet decided about how I feel about the gun laws in the US. I am just looking to get some feedback on what people think and how they think. To some it seems as though the constitution is like a religion. To others they rationalise their views on gun laws in different ways. I would say that although I am yet to make my mind up it shocks me that it is very easy to attain a gun, and I am sure that the majority of people would like to see some sort of criteria for people to be able to hold a weapon like this
@AtheistLatina55 the national guard is not a militia, my E-6 friend will attest to that. They are an auxiliary force scantioned and encompassed by the US army. He is not a full fledged citizen because of it. One of my roommates was in the air reserves as an E-5. He's out and working in the private sector as an airplane mechanic. He still doesn't have the right to sue the government for damages he suffered while in the military. That means he is also not a full citizen because his right to sue the government has been perminantly revoked.
The definition of a militia is an armed citizenry. Those soldiers, good friends of mine, will never again have full fledged citizen because of their service to you and your rights. They are eligible for a militia, but prior service is not required. Technically, by old laws that still exist every person eligeable for the draft or voluntary service is a member of the militia. Thusly granting them, the people, access to arms. Arms means all weapons and armaments.
The founding fathers knew weapons technology would advance. They heard of mythical weapons of immense power from religion and other fiction. They could easily comprehend wielding the power of 1000 Sun's.
The bill of rights was established expressly to limit government. You can not remove an amendment unless it conflicts with a pre-existing one. As was the case with the 21st and 18TH amendments.
The bill of rights aknowldeges certain human rights. It does not grant them. A right is an inalienable and unabridgable need of a person.
@jayneonacobb Rationalisations are when we start from a point of what we want the truth to be and then try every which way possible to assume all else is incorrect. The most rational question that could be asked is this. Is allowing people (overwhelming majority of people) access to guns a good thing or a bad thing. Now in the case of the US as it already finds itself in a situation where everyone (most people) can or could have a gun pretty easily, you need to ask the question 'is this a good thing or a bad thing'? I am yet to be convinced it is a good thing. Also, the constitution was formed well over 200 years ago, with the idea of how the country would be governed. Its my opinion that all ideas should be subjected to scrutiny (ideas that stand up to scrutiny are the good ideas by the way). One part of the constitution that you read is with religious connotation.
'We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..'
We are not all created equally. In fact we are not even created. We all evolved. Not only that, but we didn't even evolve equally, rather, we evolved differently. The idea that owning a gun is an unalienable right because a few fellows over 200 years ago said that this is the case (regardless of how great these people were) does not stand up to scrutiny.
@RobH86 I started opposed to guns. I looked at the evidence and since then I have become an expert on the subject.
You can't move a mountain of evidence with hot air. You really think that the bill of rights was established to empower the government that it explicitly sought to limit?
@jayneonacobb I don't see how anything you have said relates to you being an expert but I could be wrong. I am yet to see any evidence that having easy access to a gun is a good thing
@RobH86 I don't have to prove that I have a degree to you. The fact of the matter is the second amendment exists so that private citizens can have access to arms for the purpose to provide an avenue of action against tyranny. Believe it if you want, or dont, I honestly don't care about your feelings based argument.
@jayneonacobb I would agree that a feelings based argument never good. I am just yet to see any evidence that a constitution which has already been amended well over 20 times will stand up to scrutiny on this matter. the most rational question that you can ask is 'what is better/safer/healthier for society, easy access to guns, or difficult access to guns? People's rights should be determined after questions like this have been put through the rigours of scrutiny. The Constitution for you, seems almost like a religious argument.
@jayneonacobb I would agree that a feelings based argument never good. I am just yet to see any evidence that a constitution which has already been amended well over 20 times will stand up to scrutiny on this matter. the most rational question that you can ask is 'what is better/safer/healthier for society, easy access to guns, or difficult access to guns? People's rights should be determined after questions like this have been put through the rigours of scrutiny. The Constitution for you, seems almost like a religious argument.
@RobH86 no right has ever been revoked that has been outlined by the bill of rights. Well, no, its a political argument as it is politics, not religion that is being discussed. Liberal politics are a religion. Liberalism is heavily based on exclusion of opposing views and data, that's a religious stance.
@jayneonacobb I asked this question with an open mind, but despite your efforts still not entirely convinced that easy access to guns for the majority is the right way to keep the peace.
@RobH86 80 times more often guns were used in defense compared to them being used in Crime before 2016. The FBI's website will corroborate that with all the gun data from the previous year.
@jayneonacobb Well done sir, you finally decided to back your argument up with some actual evidence, It took long enough mind. Still don't think this evidence is compelling enough to convince me that easy access to guns is a good thing, but at least you offered something this time round
@RobH86 We are given an education on how to exercise other rights with tools like language. Why not teach other basic tools for other rights, like firearms safety. Then every one will have an education on the subject. That tends to make people smarter.
@jayneonacobb you crack me up
Got to say, I rather like the firearms stance on your side of the pond. Or Australia, or Japan, you know, countries where sixth graders don't get filled full of daylight every damn day.
Well japan had a Higher suicide rate among schoolers than any other country. Age 10-19 is the leading cause of death. So, do yo want to use another example besides Australia... because japan ain't working as a happy place for students.
Somehow I doubt kids in Japan are offing themselves because they can't buy handguns. The Japanese suicide numbers are a problem, but they have nothing to do with the topic at hand. When it comes to Japan's gun laws in particular, I think they're worth copying.
Violence is built into the fabric of our society. We're in perpetual (overt/covert) war or missions or whatever the terminology is for killing people for resources. Our recreation (movies, television, video games) usually glorifies violence. We are violent towards the Earth (fracking, drilling, cutting forests down, desertification, pollution (water, land, and air). We show no mercy to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the unemployed and the underemployed and the immigrant. We tend to victimize them by calling them all sorts of names and asserting that they are corrupt for being on food stamps and owning cell phones). Face it, there's racism built into the system (a human construct since there is only one human race. As is sexism.) We have more human trafficking now than ever before in history. We drug people who may be suffering from things that drugs can't alleviate (loneliness, anomie, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, dissatisfaction, heartbreak, etc.). We have an opioid epidemic because . . . people are unhappy and they're suffering and looking for a way to alleviate that suffering. We torture and slaughter animals in horrifying numbers (factory farming is horrific). We imprison people for profit, mostly POC, (our modern slave labor). Our recreation is shopping and spending time in front of a screen, so no wonder everyone is on anti-depressants. And we argue about guns . . . while our children kill our children over and over and over, but our right to overthrow the government, shoot an intruder, hunt animals, or target practice (what are the reasons for owning a gun?) is more important than 1000s of children's lives. I get it. Your right to arms takes precedence over the life of a child. Let's just be honest.(If only we were this passionate about healthcare, childcare, senior care, free higher education, unemployment, racism, sexism . . . maybe we wouldn't need guns to protect us because there would be more equity.) False needs, aye, keep us imprisoned. Guns will never free us or keep us safe, that's been proven over and over and over.
Oye, that was my little rant. I just get pissed because the first boy I ever dated was murdered by a 16-year-old who got a hold of my brother's gun. My brother never forgave himself, because Harry, the person murdered, was his best friend and if he didn't own a gun, Harry would still be alive. The gun was in a safe.
seems as though this is an emotive issue for you, and one that you are very well educated on. Thanks for this post
This website doesn’t really reflect the majority of Americans as most of the people on it are very liberal. Where I live in Oklahoma everyone I know owns a gun and most own several. I’ve got a shooting range in my backyard and often get together with my friends to shoot guns. I have a concealed carry permit and can legally carry a loaded firearm in 38 states. Why should we take guns away from everybody just because a few idiots have abused that right?
Not everyone might be as responsible as you. At what point do you say enough is enough, not everybody should have the right to own a gun, as shooting sprees happen all too often.
I don’t really like the idea of owning a gun or guns. Having said that, the guns are already out there. So the question I would ask is, what do you do with the guns already out there. People who already own a gun are not going to willingly give up their guns. I don’t believe that anyone needs a an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. However I’m not really in favor of taking away all weapons. In all honesty I wish we lived in a world without guns. But that is not the case. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t issue to me.
I do believe that we need serious debate to solve this problem, and I mean serious debate. There has been no serious debate ever. That has to happen if we plan on fixing this.
Well to answer the first issue you raised, people would willingly offer to hand their guns in. In the UK we had a specific time frame where people could just hand in any firearms they wished no questions asked. This was a success by all accounts. secondly it would be the law. Anyone found guilty of owning a gun would face the appropriate punishment.
@RobH86 I apologize if this comes off sounding rude. But you are incredibly naive. Americans don’t have the same values as people in the U.K. Our country was defined on the very idea that freedom is not something you give up willingly. To many Americans that includes the right to bear arms. So giving up their guns for those Americans, means giving up their freedom. That means their will still be a large majority who would rather break that law than turn over something that represents freedom to them. Additionally, we can’t make criminals out of anyone unwilling to give up their guns. Our prisons are already overcrowded and there simply is not enough space to hold everyone that would be unwilling to give them up.
I like your point, and I wish it were that simple. It may work in the U.K. But it will never work in the USA.
@ChrisJones I think your are correct in your assessment. So whatever is done needs to be done suiting the US character of people. In Australia, they had this mainly volunteer gun buyback after the Tasmanian massacre in 1996. Millions of guns were taken out of circulation, gun death went down dramatically. That was organized very quickly by a conservative government. I hear the 75 % of US citizens actually would like better gun control. So it must be possible to do something. Demand it of the people you vote into house and congress, and make PUBLIC how much money (if any) each of these have received from the NRL.
@ChrisJones The idea that freedom is represented by allowing pretty much anyone to have guns is not rational. What about the freedom to not have your neighbours in posession of something that kill you so easily. It is almost like the constitution is like a religion in itself. Surely, just like religion, these ideas need to be questioned and scrutinised
@RobH86, I agree with you. I’ve never understood why many of the American people think that giving up guns takes away freedom. Unfortunately, that is the way many of them see it. It happens every election cycle where a Democrat takes office. When President Obama took office, many Americans were afraid that the democrats would take their guns away. It’s not rational, but it is what a lot of Americans believe. I don’t like it. But as @ZebZaman stated, we have to fight to get it fixed by voting in those who want to make real change with gun laws. In any case, I hear you and I wish the rest of my country would see this as ha realistic solution.
Most people in the US do not own guns (75%) and support regulations such as background checks (90%) , waiting periods and banning the most dangerous weapons such as semi-automatic weapons.
The question of gun ownership and sensible regulation of firearms in the US has become extremely politicized and corrupted by the NRA (National Rifle Association). The NRA used to be sort of a club for those who enjoyed owning guns for sport or those who insist they need guns for protection. However, in the last 20-30 years, wealthy owners of gun manufacturing corporations have taken over the NRA . The NRA gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians & campaigns and, worse than that, uses leverage to threaten politicians with large sums of money for opposing candidates if the elected officials do not do the bidding of the NRA. That's why every sensible proposal to protect people from murder or accidental shootings is voted down or does not get a hearing at all.
There are hundreds of times more shooting deaths in the US than in other countries - murder, suicide and accidental - thousands of men, women and children die from guns every month and it is only getting worse.
Right-wing NRA supporters and politicians use the 2nd amendment of the US constitution to justify the lack of regulation. The amendment dates from 1776 and reads: " Amendment Right to Bear Arms. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
Your facts aren't facts. Where are you getting these absurd and blatantly false stats, California?
@jayneonacobb Just Google Death Rate from Guns - here's just Wikipedia for one:
@TerriCity i prefer real facts, like these. []
@jayneonacobb Your source is altering and spiking the punch so to speak and I am a gun owner and a former police officer. They are not a reliable source.
@noworry28 you're saying that the FBI isn't a reliable source of crime statistics?
@jayneonacobb Facts are to be found on any statistic you can google. All of them. here is an easy one, i could find dozens of others supprting the same basic point. []
@ZebZaman are you familiar with how data is collected? It doesn't seem like you understand that you need to first collect and compile data before it can be analyzed. The FBI is the source of the raw data. That's called a primary source.
Where I live everyone has at least one gun and most have several. That arrogant left wing liberal gun control nut Obama scared the hell out of a lot of people and during the 8 years he was in office gun sales and NRA membership soared.
@TerriCity, your statement contains a few errors. First and foremost, the second amendment to the constitution is not from 1776. The Constitution of the Unites States was ratified in 1789. The country had operated under the Articles of Confederation prior to that.
Secondly, the second amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, which in total includes 10 amendments. The Bill of Rights was ratified and became law in 1791.
Thank you for the corrections on the amendments. I was thinking of the US Constitution of the country as starting at the time of the our beginning as a country in 1776. In any case, 1791 was 227 years ago. The founding fathers surely never envisioned schoolchildren being mowed down with automatic rapid-fire weapons when they wrote the second amendment.
The Second Amendment to our Constitution establishes a right to bear arms, however this right was linked with membership in a well regulated Militia.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Of course, the Framers had these back then, and would likely see today's gun violence statistics as abhorrent.
Apparently owning a gun is a freedom, because in the late 17 hundreds it was decided this was the case, and is an idea that apprently should never be questioned.
@RobH86 To be fair to the Founding Fathers, they had just fought a war of independence, upon which one of the grievances was the presence (often in their own homes) of armed British soldiers. Similarly, colonists were still encountering Native Americans on whose land they had decided to settle. But we live in the 21st, not the 18th century, and no idea is beyond questioning, would you agree? We are, after all, a democracy.
@pnullifidian I think you read the subtext of my last post well
You must protect yourself at all times. The cops always come AFTER you are dead. There are over 300 million guns in America. Seems kinda silly that you would be among the very few who opt not to have one. I have a slew of weapons and I have not fired one in five years. I am ready if the situation arises. Being agnostic does not mean you have to be anti-gun.
The point is, if it is against the law to own a gun, and is very difficult to get hold of one, you won't need a gun. Also if there is lots of gun crime, surely the answer is not more guns. By the way I am nuetral in this debate, just trying to offer a different point of veiw, maybe you have better arguments than this, if so I would like to hear them
Your notion is way gone. Over 300 million guns out here. The time for not needing a gun is long past. We got 'em, and we are gonna keep 'em. Period!!!!
@Jim222bo So, the answer is more guns? More guns will not stop the violence. The only thing that will stop violence is a change of the collective thinking that we all need to bear arms, be stronger than the "other" who is after what we own/want. And maybe if we all get out and just make friends with strangers. Get to know the other whom we fear. Fear and guns and hate will only lead to violence. How many little kids end up dead because they find their parents' gun and try it out? Guns are the 3rd leading death of children in the US. Is this how we de-evolve? []
The only answer to guns is to deal with them the way they are. We are not going to "make friends with everybody". Guns are here to stay. Ammo? Not so sure about that. It is IMPOSSIBLE to confiscate guns. Mental cases need to be dealt with as soon as we become aware of their mental status. Just about every mass shooting had already sent up beaucoup red flags and nothing was done about anything. One guy just shot up a school. On that day 330 million people in the USA did NOT shoot up a school. Not nearly as bad as you may imagine.
Can't answer to question, as it is : guns are fine, in the right hands. Here in New Zealand much of the rural population has guns. As one late friend of mine pointed out: "If all you pacifist alternatives don't know how to use a gun and haven't got one, you will not know what to do when your horse has a broken leg. People should know what to do with guns." Just have laws that : forbid these war machines, have all gun owner sit a test before you buy, and have some pretty tough laws ... if you belong to a hate group, you can't have a gun. This latest idiot planned his murdering spree online. Why in the name of ...well, REASON ... ( I just remembered God is not invite here) would ANY nation on earth give guns to fuckers like him? And he was more or less a kid, And THAT gun nobody should own. 21 the legal age to drink... but have a gun, here, have an automatic, why, have half a dozen! This is so nuts.
Here is a sample of several New gun laws up for hearings in the state of Florida. (Information from League of Women Voters) If you think the guns laws are insanely out of control, you are right , and thanks to the NRA this is going on every day in every state government and in the Federal government:
Posted on January 24, 2018
HB 219 And SB 196
Senate and House companion bills propose to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. The legislature has refused to place them on the agenda for a discussion in either chamber. Similar bills with similar fates have been introduced in the last years.
*Legislative leadership refuses to allow the bills to be heard.
A provision in Senate Bill 740 requested by Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner would allow Concealed Carry Permits to be issues without a completed background check.
Don’t Cut Corners on Background Checks. Carrying a firearm in public is a serious responsibility, and there should be no exceptions to requiring a complete background check.
Posted on February 9, 2018
HB 1419 by Lawrence McClure This bill (the companion to SB 1048) : would allow churches, synagogues, and other religious institutions to authorize concealed license holders to take their firearms onto their properties. This also means that the designated carrier could take their concealed weapons into schools if the religious institution owns, rents, leases, or borrows the property.
SB 1048 by Dennis Baxley is back after being tabled last week in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill will be heard in that same committee on Thursday, Jan. 25th at 10:00 A.M. EDT. This bill, in a different form, was voted down in December. Yet Chairman Greg Steube continues to place it on the agenda.
Let’s resoundingly tell the members of both of these committees to vote NO on HB 1419 and SB 1048!
SB 1048 is a different version of the same idea we saw die a hard death in a December. Now it’s back in disguise!
Recent polls have shown that the majority of Floridians oppose campus and open carry. It’s high time these elected officials stop wasting our time on bills that have been repeatedly rejected. It’s past time these “guns everywhere” legislators start listening to Floridians who want common sense gun laws instead of continuing to agenda bills that are even more radically irresponsible! Call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and request that they vote NO on SB 1242 and SB 1048!
SB 1242 by Greg Steube : This bill would allow permitless open carry during a wide number of recreational activities, from picnicking to bird watching to dog walking. Current Florida law requires a concealed weapons permit for carrying a firearm. SB 1242 would allow people to openly carry firearms, including assault weapons, without undergoing the training class or federal background check required to receive a permit.
Floridians have said NO to Open Carry bills before. Why is our Legislature not getting the message? Indeed, three gun bills died in Sen. Steube’s committee this past December. Yet Sen. Steube has now placed SB 1242 — the most radical gun bill we’ve ever seen in Florida — on his agenda.
Please contact me for further information / ACTIONS to contact lawmakers by phone, email & postcards.
I think we all should have the right to have a hunt with and defend ur home and person just like our forefathers wanted which would mean old time slow shotguns and pistols that you can't use to kill 17 people with. Guns in general and assault weapons are two different things.
Reasonable point well made.
I live in the south and know a few house holds that don;t have any guns but most do in my area . I'm a gun collector and keep them unloaded in gun safes in a locked room . I;m all for gun control laws , background checks , formal training for gun owners and gun owners held accountable for the guns they own . I don't believe the founding fathers had deer hunters in mind when they wrote the 2nd amendment that being I would not want to face automatic weapons with any thing less than a semi automatic rifle . I don't know anyone who would be willing to give them up certainly not criminals . Iv'e never been a member of the NRA and as long as they represent the gun manufacturing industry instead of shooter safety I won't .
Coming from a family (and community) full of hunters; I cannot honestly say I am anti-gun. If my father wasn't able to go hunting in our woods, then we wouldn't have had food sometimes. But never has a mass shooting happen in our little corner. The worst I can recall in 35 years of living here is that one teenager shot himself in the foot.
That being said......I am against these "Sport hunters" who have to use high powered weapons and armor piercing bullets to shoot a deer. I am also against the other high powered, military grade weapons being used by anyone other than the military during their service.
I don't like seeing our police look like soldiers. I am definitely against bump stocks and other modifications.
I am not an authority on any of this....all of this is just my 2 cents, and I am not looking to argue. I personally don't want/need a gun (at this time) but I do think there needs to be limits and I do also believe that they need to have insurance and more safety features. (I do kind of like that gun that requires fingerprint scan).
Until we have a system as good as japans we don't need guns. We don't respect them I feel we lost our 2nd amendment right a long time ago because of all the stupidity around guns.
I think for home protection everyone should be able to get a pistol. If you decide you like to hunt, I do not see a problem with a rifle or shotgun being owned either. I do think we need to make it more difficult to get guns and perhaps limit the amount of ammunition that can be held in a clip. There should also be a mental background check.
Agreed. It should not be the case that just anyone can get a gun