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QUESTION Republican Lisa Murkowski says it’s time for her party to take climate change seriously. | Grist

This is interesting coming from pro oil state of Alaska. Not that she is taking any action, since she voted to open up more drilling in Alaska.

But maybe the beginning of real discussion on the subject?

Akfishlady 8 Feb 16

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I agree!


The only relevant facts are the thin polar ice now de-classified because our submarines can surface almost anywhere due to thin ice that was too thick 40 years ago

Toxic burning of oil is melting polar and glacial ice BELOW FREEZING TEMPS LIKE ROAD SALT OR SIDEWALK DEicer. ...we must move to hydrogen cars or electric to allow restoration of polar and glacial ice that is essential to drive the Atlantic and Pacific ocean currents that could abate climate change


With her voting record...

@Akfishlady I hope something or someone got through. Perhaps it's affecting seal hunters or some other game.

@Akfishlady Well said.


Duh, no shit!

jeffy Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

Yes, if she stands her ground...she is a little on the wobbly side, but hey! Anything Is better than NOTHING!


Well she is correct.


She's what? 25 years late?

godef Level 7 Feb 16, 2018
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