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When you're feeling down and out, what do you do to combat loneliness?

I like to go for walks in a park, and try to surround myself with people I am close with. It helps, but regardless I am still lonely. Sigh

randaghostie 4 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Judging by the answers I've read here, I must be a real freak. I rarely feel lonely. Usually there are too many damned humans in the way. On the rare times that I do feel lonely, I grab a good book, play a little guitar and sing about how I don't like people, or get some rocks and make a few stone arrowheads. I wish I had something better for you


Learn to love you. When you do, you will find you aren't so lonely. Until then, (warm hug)


My lonely times are few and far between. I have social media and my passion for crochet. Plus, I enjoy my own company. In fact I love me! Little humor there. That helps too.


I watch a really scary movie in the dark. Suddenly I don't feel alone anymore. . . Lol j/k I don't get scared by horror movies.


I live alone , have done for some years ... Luckily I,m never lonely.


Loneliness isn't something I have too terribly often, but when I do I tend to put on recordings of music I have made while playing in bands and reflecting on that time.


I do nothing. I accept it, then it passes.


Loneliness is something that's been with me for a big part of my life. Part of it is situational, part of it is internal. I'm learning more and more to be a friend to myself when I am alone so I don't feel so lonely -- and to be more engaged when I'm with other people so I can recognize the people I truly connect with, versus just being around someone because I'm afraid of being alone, because that can only make me feel more lonely. To ease the feeling, I may wrap myself in a blanket and lay down with a good book, movie, or tv show; make a cup of tea; take myself outside or to a place where there are other people; give myself an "artist's date," where I walk around and take in my surroundings; I may call a friend, and if I'm feeling particularly vulnerable, lean a little bit more on one I feel close to.


I don't know how to respond to you. I am often alone, both by circumstance, and by choice. It is seldom that I feel lonely.


I battle my loneliness one word at a time.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

Sometimes we can feel alone when surrounded by our friends. Alone is a place in our minds where we feel that no one really understands us and we don't feel close to anyone. I spend time on-on-one with friends with a bottle of wine and conversation for a couple of hours. The only requirement I have (for myself) is complete and total honesty, and the willingness to discuss anything with my friend. It's contagious and my friends open up, too. Do that a few times and you know there are at least a few friends who love and accept you for who you are. I have not felt alone since beginning that practice, and it's such an amazing experience that now other friends are wanting to join me. It takes an tremendous amount of trust between two people to do this. It's totally worth the risk.


As others have said. Time with friends, chatting up your neighbors and doing something creative or fun can all help. Turn on some music and dance(even better if you have a dog to join in).


I have my art and my dogs


I think having a hobby that you enjoy will make you forget your loneliness. Just getting out of my house and enjoying being in nature is good for me.

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