How do yall respond or feel about those who say to you, "I'll pray for you" or "you're in my prayers"? I understand that for that person, it's how they show that they care, but if they know that you are not religious, then are they being almost condescending?
It depends if you want to be actively 'anti-theist'. If not, react as if they had just said 'good luck, hope things go well'... which is basically that they are saying. If you want to make a point, you can go for something like 'Thank you - and I'll talk to my pet gerbil for you. I expect similar results.'
I say “Thanks”. No need to take offense at a kind gesture.
I think it's out of genuine kindness most of the time and I just say thank you. It's honestly not worth getting into it with anyone. If they want to believe in magic beings that will make things better then ok.
They're all kind of like little kids that refuse to believe that Santa is not real.
Good point
You could just say "Thank you for your thoughts". Polite way to get your point across.
Yes, very polite and why would anyone make a big deal out of someone who wants only the best for you? It's their way of saying they care, not ours perhaps, but to make it a point of contention, I'm more inclined to just go with the flow. Gladwin is beautiful area. I live in Florida now, but retired from the Free Press...Moved here from the UP
I agree. I mean, I get that they mean well, but at the same time, it definitely seems condescending. I just always say "Trust me, my mom has been praying for me my entire life. Must be a lost cause" Then you smile and walk away. Lol my little way of holding back
I like the old "You'll pray for me? Then I guess I'll have to think for you." response.
I thank them for the kind thoughts. It is usually how the people around me tell me they are hoping for the best.
I say thank you for thinking of me. It's something I just kinda ignore.
Please don't, I'm not into voodoo or witchcraft.
I really have never felt that people who say they will pray for me are being condescending. People who say that for the most part do it out of a sense of compassion and a belief that they are being helpful. My response is, thanks! The people who who describe such people as "fools" are the one who are condescending.
I used to be deeply offended whenever I came to someone with a problem and they said that they would pray for me. To me, an atheist at the time, the gesture seemed empty. I didn't understand why that's all they could do.
A few years ago, however, I realized why I shouldn't be offended by these words. To someone who believes in God, and believes in the power of prayer, that is the most meaningful thing they can do for you. There is no condescension whatsoever, although it can sound like that sometimes. They just want you to know that they care about you deeply, and that they are asking God -- an entity which they believe can fix all problems -- to be there for you. It doesn't make sense to people who don't believe in a higher power, and that is understandable. But (in my opinion) there is no reason to be offended when someone is giving you their love, and an "I'll pray for you" is best met with a "Thank you," whether you agree with it completely or not
"I'll pray for you"
"Will you? I'll tell my rainbow hedgehog unicorn about you too, oh sorry he doesn't exist...either."