26 4

Did you arrive at your decision of belief by means of research and critical thinking or merely personal feeling?

Khmm 5 Feb 17

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I've never actually researched the existence of god. I tried to find proof that he existed, but that only came from religious texts. I wasn't convinced by the bible is true because the bible says it's true, and the bible is true arguments. What is convincing however is that there is no evidence for any of the major events of the bible. That goes along way towards disproving that it's the word of an omniscient being. There are some many contradictions in the bible that when you eliminate them you've nearly nothing left. If you study the bible without a "study guide" to "interpret" its alleged meaning and put its mythical events into historical perspective, you get inarticulate nonsense and a god who's actually a despotic monster.
Even if there were absolute proof of the existence of god, I would refuse to worship it.

JimG Level 8 Feb 17, 2018
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