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LINK Should We Build the Wall? We Asked Trump Supporters. - YouTube

The second half the video shows why the wall won't work.

snytiger6 9 Dec 29

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Soon he will want a wall across the northern border.

I heard that since trump was in office Canada will build a wall and have us pay for it.


I saw a report that Mexicans were buying airline tickets to Canada for $600. The cayotes bringing Mexican across the southern border charge $6000. Fly to Canada and you can DIY.


Poor people never played ropes and ladders as children.

I think the game is called "Chutes and Ladders"... at least in the U.S. I have herd it is called somethign different in teh U.K., but I don't remember what it is called there.

In any case therre is the Mexican equivalent of a Home Depot about 500 feet from the border fence.. I twould not take long to figure things out. Word woudl spread quickly. Some enterprising person may buy a ladder and charge a few dollars a person as they climb over the wall.


Trumpsters are idiots.

They are deluded and ignorant about many things, which makes them seem like idiots. The questions are they ignorant by choice, because it is easier to grasp what seems liek simple solutions, rather than learn all the actual details and complications of an issue. I like to think they may at some point choose to learn instead of choose to be ignorant, but for most of hem, I don't think it is a likely outcome.

I understand theri unwillingness. The more you learn the more you realize how much you don't know. That can be unsettling. So, they act as if they know keeping everything simple. This is also the root of intellectual laziness.


I see no questions here. Look at how well the Great Wall of China has worked out and it's still around today. Hey, I wonder if China would pay for it?

I seem to remember David Copperfield walked through the Great Wall of China. I hope there are no Mexican magicians.

The Great Wall of China, whjch was built to keep out Northern invaders, didn't work. Most of the wall is still there, but today it is admired for the great feat of engineering and accomplishment of such a massive project, but not for its actual effectiveness.

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