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Parents with a spouse of a different religion...

How do you decide how you will bring up your children? Like how do you decide if they will go to church or not and what age, etc?

AnnaMD 5 Dec 29

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If we do not believe in something,... why we will force them to do something

belfo Level 6 Jan 7, 2019

I separated from my ex wife when my kids were 5 and 6. I didn't decide for them, they decided on their own. When my daughter asked me about my beliefs, I evaded her questions.

My daughter is an atheist, and my son is a Christian. I tried to teach them both empathy and compassion. The important thing to me is that both of my adult kids are decent human beings and wonderful people. They are better than their parents (in the case of my ex, that's not saying much, but.... 😉 ).

JimG Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

We just joined a UU community.

tonyp Level 5 Dec 30, 2018

They usually decide it before they get married.

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