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Does anyone pay any attention to the match percentage?

Just curious to know if you all pay any attention to the match percentage of other members? I don't know how the site is coming up with that number, but it seems to me that they would not have enough info on each person (even if everyone filled out their profile completely) to make an accurate match based on what your profile answers are. Curious to hear your thoughts.

NaturalBornCynic 6 Feb 17

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Yes and no


I wouldn't know where to find it.


To be honest I haven't even noticed them. That or there simply aren't any matches for me... which makes sense, I'm one-of-akind!


I do not.

Sadoi Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

I do. Only interested in +60%


I'm wondering, however, relative to the person, for instance, that shows up on my computer at a certain percentage - do I show up on that person's computer at the same mutual percentage? It would seem that they should match, but do they?

A female friend of mine and I created profiles on a "free" dating site once, and our percentages did not match each others'. So it could be rather arbitrary, or just a gimmick to get people thinking that the site actually is working for them. ???


As in other sites, I may use it as one point of reference, but not the only. I've had a 90% match on other sites and when we met, had almost nothing in common.


Not I. I don't understand how I could match at 99% with a 21 yr old.

You're really popular 😉

I just clicked on your profile because I saw a 81% match, it was a reply to another thread. The 2000 mile distance would seem to put a damper on any prospects.

Ha! That's hilarious, @atheistlatina55. 🙂

I had something like 90% with an 18 yo


You need to trust the Gods!


The what?


Not really


I notice them in passing. Occasionally, I'll click on a high % profile, just to see what's up. Many times, there are big points of divergence from mine. I am not sure what the good match is based on...

I have better luck clicking on the profiles of people who make comments that draw me in, TBH.

Zster Level 8 Feb 17, 2018

Proof of how closely I was paying attention! Maybe the 1% is the cat/dog thing.

I love California. There is always a danger of my staying whenever I've visited.


It doesn't appear to mean anything other than that equated by an algorithm, I'm no more going to meet anybody from this site than be the next Pope high rating or not, but this is more to do with experience of dating sites which this isn't really. As much as I hate to admit it, but it appears to be a truth, I'm not very fanciable for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, it could be looks, it could be attitude, it could be personality or it could be that I don't come across as available as much as I think I do. So for me there's no point in paying attention to it whatever it says 🙂


I do. I don't know if it works or not, but it did match me at 47% with someone I ended up having to block so... maybe.


I really dislike the percentage. Like someone else said, I have had a high percentage with someone but they wanted kids, which is a deal breaker for me.


Yes. It has not been working for me. Just some ideas, how about an unbelief quotient? or an emotional intelligence quotient? Should we try an eye candy rating system as well?


I don't even know where you're seeing this match percentage...???

@sarahjustme I didn't know that! Thanks!


If I'm correct it mostly goes off your five question. So if you write that you only want to meet someone within 50 miles of you but the one you are talking to is 300 miles away or wants to meet someone 100miles from them the % will be different. It's the same with the religion (or lack there of) question. If you put that you are 100% don't believe but I am 99% there is a difference in your overall % match.


I have seen on other sites a high percentage, and when I looked at their profile they're a "Christian and serious about it". So, no, I don't pay attention to the compatibility percentage.

Precisely. I had the same experience. Which is why I canceled my one account I pay for. It's ridiculous. Even when religion is listed as a DEALBREAKER.

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