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Most plausible theory on the Princes in the Tower?

AnnaMD 5 Dec 31

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High infant mortality in those days. Especially when locked in cold dark towers and not fed much, the connection between food and staying alive was not well understood then.

So you think accidental? I think it's possible. They weren't infants so its hard to say it was just because of the times. But then again, Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, Richard III's son died suddenly.

@AnnaMD It could have been intended, but remember at least one pope starved to death in prison, if you did not have the money in those days to pay the guards for food, and no one bothered to do it for you.


I think that Thomas More wasn't the kind of man to make up a story. So probably James Tyrrell killed the Princes at the request of Richard III.




the what where

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