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What new technology would you like to see developed excluding medical devices.

Marine 8 Jan 1

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One that I develop.


Short term I'd like to see the perfection and mass production ton of lab grown meat. We would go a long way toward ending world hunger and it would end any moral debate about eating meat while allowing people to continue to eat meat.

And imagine being able to develop the perfect steak, my mouth is watering.


Religious robots, for the alliteration if for nothing else.

Yes, they could worship us and we could finally become gods.


Something to purify the air, seas, Land...


Fusion reactor like in Ironman. Arc reactor small as the suit. Imagine, trains, transport trucks, airplanes, cars with unlimited power. Never needing to refuel.




I want to see AI to the extent that many jobs can be done by robots and we can finally live in a Star Trek utopia. But this would require even more drastic social and political changes. So they will probably get used to enslave us even more, but at least that will be interesting.

Dietl Level 7 Jan 1, 2019

Cell phones that can use satelites when cell towers are not available.

I would have said driverless cars and transportation, but that is already happening.

My sister wants transporters like those form the Star Trek series. I don't 'see that one happening in my life time.


I would like to see a strong glass developed that would convert solar power but would be used on all roads instead of asphalt.

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