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Back in late 80's -- early 90's there was a movie in which teenagers lay along the center line of rooads as cars whizzed by -- and teenagers in real life were doing the same. Common sense amongst the young (and sometimes older) people shows just how stupid man -- in general -- can be.


The dumb things humans do.

MoniB Level 6 Jan 4, 2019

Just when I was thinking there was nothing lower than "stupid"...

Tide pods challenge!

@Bigwavedave I know...I mean, I know we did goofy things in our youth, but not anything this dangerous or stupid...I think the days of instant "celebrity" on social media is making people more careless and stupid crazy!


I used to do this for fun as a sensory excercize. Didn't know it was a thing till yesterday.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 4, 2019

What happens when these people encounter one another? Is there noise if there's no one there to hear it?

godef Level 7 Jan 4, 2019

The gene pool is shallowing...

I see 'no swimming' signs everywhere!

@Holysocks I truly wish it was that easy!


Still, spending 24 hours just going about your life blindfolded seems a bit silly. Lots of respect for the blind and people perhaps getting a taste of what that is like but they have walking aids and training.


I say we encourage it and weed out the herd.

@powder build that blindfold !!!

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