Much as she would be an improvement as a nominee for the Dems or as a president than Hillary, I am skeptical about whether she can be trusted by progressives if she actually got power. Largely because she had her chance last time when she could have supported Bernie during the primaries, when it actually mattered and could have swung the nomination, instead of supporting Hillary like she did. To me that smacks of being a selfish opportunist who did the calculated thing to ensure her own chances later on rather than support the progressive at the time who shared so many of her positions. A few of my friends are going to see her today in my area and are acting ga ga like she's some rock star. I wish I could be that enthusiastic and illusioned, but I've seen this movie before. I won't be surprised if she deters Bernie from running again or even if he does, the two of them will split the primary votes of progressive Dems and we will once again end up with a corrupt, non-inspiring Dem nominee, namely Biden, who will lose to Trump. Having said all that, I would vote for Warren if she was the nominee, over Trump, but I would hold my breath about expecting much progressive about her is she did become Prez. She's too quick to compromise and sell out.
I volunteered in Bernie's campaign then and I won't this time because he caved and endorsed Hillary after the primary instead of following his progressive values and taking the offer to run as the Green Party's candidate. So I won't volunteer for him or Warren this time around. Fool me once.....
I too was disappointed by how the Democratic Party, in general, it wasn't just Warren, put their efforts and energy into Hillary, whend Sanders would have been the better candidate. Many independents who would have voted for Sanders, voted for Trump, because they wanted someone to shake thing sup. Hillary had many problens, liek she really was nto personable in front of a camera and when she spoke it seemed more forced than sincere and natural. Also, the Clintons (both of them) are way too corporate friendly in my opionio. Bernie ws the candidate who could have beat Trump. But as usual, democrats managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, in this case by choosign the more establishment candiodate than the candidate that could have won.
Warren may have made the same mistake of going along with the rest of the party in supporting Hillarty, but nobody is perfect. She strikes me as a person wou'd learn from mistakes. Yes, it seemed to go against her nature and stated views. However, whenver Ihave regretted a choice fo compromise, I tend to not compromise as easily in the future. I may be projecting here, but I think she is similar in that way.
@snytiger6 In my observation, at least with politicians, it's exactly the opposite of you. Once they begin compromising and selling out, it just gets easier and easier to cross that line.
@TomMcGiverin Generally, that is true. There are exceptions. Joe Biden for instance never used his position to gain wealth. He may make gaffs in front of the press, but he has remained ethical. Of course after Trump, Joe biden's gaffs seem inconsequential.
Warren, has pretty held firm on her values sinc eshe entered politics. I am hoping that she keep her ethicvs. There are never any guarantees of what you get with politicians. I was surprised to learn her father was a congressman and her brother was a mayor, both in Baltimore. That she comes from a political family doe smakeme more cautious.